Lebanon – Open to Christ

In the Middle East, especially in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Turkey, people’s attitudes toward the Gospel have changed over the past decades. This became particularly noticeable after the civil wars in Syria and Iraq. Hundreds of thousands of people fled their homes, becoming refugees in other countries

Kamchatka – back on the road!

The trip to the peninsula was planned to share the Gospel and help the elderly and disabled with their household needs (shovel snow, stock up or chop firewood, change wiring in the house or fix sockets)! We announced it in advance in social networks and people in need called us

Experiencing God in the Midst of Hardship!

War is a tough ordeal for people of all ages, from adults to the elderly and even the youngest children. In Myanmar, a neighboring country of Thailand, war has raged for years, displacing countless families. Over 90,000 refugees from Myanmar now seek shelter in Thailand, many confined to refugee camps or limited areas.

PNG – God’s Work

We have been able to conduct children’s ministry in Mamarei village! It’s truly joyful to see how, after about ten years, our boys are now serving other children—just as we once served them. How quickly they have grown!

Activities at our kindergarten will resume next week! We expect up to a hundred little Papuans aged 4 to 6 to come to learn to read and write,

Brazil – Plans for April

In the last week of January 2024, I was in Bolivia at a summer camp for teenagers and youth of our Mennonite community. All services were conducted in the German dialect “Plattdeutsch,” and the theme was “In the Embrace of the Father.” I managed to deliver 6 sermons and two prayers in Plattdeutsch, which was no easy task.

Times when we are needed

Greetings, brothers and sisters! I want to tell you how God works among vulnerable children and how we can participate in this work. Our team visited four children’s homes and spent wonderful time with the children. We cooked food, played sports games, and had interesting discussions with them.

Thailand – To whom do you direct your prayers?

It’s essential to pray to the True God, who hears and answers prayers.” This was our Bible lesson for over 100 students and their teachers in a public school. Yes, you heard it correctly – in a public school! The doors are still open to teach English and share Bible stories with students and teachers.

Vietnam – a faithful family!

Sisters, grace and peace to you and may you be multiplied! I am eager to inform you about the ministry that we are carrying out in the name of Jesus Christ among the Rāglai tribe. We have been working there for over 3 years, and God immediately urged us to pray for this family, where 7 people have already been baptized, to become a family of evangelists.

Uganda – Work for Women

Many women in refugee camps struggle to provide for their children. While believers may have found peace for their souls, material prosperity and stability for their families remain significant challenges. Due to the level of illiteracy among women, earning a living is not easy to accomplish

Lviv – 2 years of destruction

2 years of war – 2 years of destruction. The situation in Lviv is stable. Air raids occur on average 2-3 times a week. The most difficult situation is in Dnipro and Odessa. There are frequent rocket attacks and explosions in the city. My family and church are fine. There’s a lot of work, but that’s good.

Our latest Project updates

Lebanon – Open to Christ

Lebanon – Open to Christ

In the Middle East, especially in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Turkey, people’s attitudes toward the Gospel have changed over the past decades. This became particularly noticeable after the civil wars in Syria and Iraq. Hundreds of thousands of people fled their homes, becoming refugees in other countries

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Kamchatka – back on the road!

Kamchatka – back on the road!

The trip to the peninsula was planned to share the Gospel and help the elderly and disabled with their household needs (shovel snow, stock up or chop firewood, change wiring in the house or fix sockets)! We announced it in advance in social networks and people in need called us

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Experiencing God in the Midst of Hardship!

Experiencing God in the Midst of Hardship!

War is a tough ordeal for people of all ages, from adults to the elderly and even the youngest children. In Myanmar, a neighboring country of Thailand, war has raged for years, displacing countless families. Over 90,000 refugees from Myanmar now seek shelter in Thailand, many confined to refugee camps or limited areas.

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Die of hunger each day

have no access to clean water

orphans worldwide