Currently, the population of Turkey is over 75 million and they all need salvation. In 2020 many ministers were deported, and young churches were left without mentors. Services in Antalya were held under God’s protection, people filled the halls and listened to the Gospel. Recent observations show that especially young people are interested in Christianity and want to acquire the New Testament.
Before the events started, the specially trained dogs went around to check for explosives in all the buildings where services should have been held. Observing these procedures subconscious, we still understand that our hope is only in the Lord because there is always the chance that someone can enter the hall with a martyr belt.

In December 2020 we continued to evangelize the population in Turkey by taking part in Christmas programs. We ask you to join this difficult work and become part of this ministry of evangelism and churches in Asia. Please pray for us every day to be protected by God from all evil, because we do not know the intentions of the enemy.
Ministry in Turkey – Sergey Kirnev