Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, thank you and praise the Lord for the Work He does here in Thailand.
Last month, by God’s grace we had an opportunity to have our children’s camp, which was such a big blessing and answered prayer! We had our older youth organize the program and have a chance to serve together. For some, it was the first time helping with children. Our topic was – focusing on God, seeing Him through creation, to listen what He says and does it, and talking to Him. God really blessed that time and children had many questions about faith and were not shy to ask. Please pray for these children as they continue coming to church and grow in their faith.
Brick by brick our Sunday school building is growing. As I wrote before, that two months ago because of strong rains, our bamboo shelter fell. The shelter was serving as a classroom for our Sunday and evening school for different ages and activities.

Thank God nobody got hurt, because it happened during the night, and only in the morning did we see this picture. Praise God for every donation, we were able to put the foundation, roof, purchase bricks, and windows for two small rooms that will serve as a storage room to keep all the school material and another for the office.
Thank God for His provision. We are planning to start evening school next month and are very grateful for the roof and strong foundation that we have, but we still need to buy bricks for the best part of the building – $450, put windows and doors – $600, put electricity with lights and fans – 400, and buy a few tables and chairs or mats to sit on the floor, One table $60, mat $7-10 We are very grateful for every donation and prayer, and if God will encourage you to participate in any of these needs, it will be a big blessing in reaching unreached with the Gospel and guiding them to grow in faith.
Thank you again for every prayer and support.
Ministry in Avoda (Thailand) – San & Anita