Dear Church, thank you very much for your participation by prayer and financially. By God’s grace, we had an opportunity to make a youth camp with a mission in the South of Thailand. It was a blessing for our youth, from two of our “Avoda” projects, to have a fellowship and serve together through children camp and mercy ministry, helping local people in the South. The church where we had our camp, doesn’t have children ministry because there is no one who can lead it. We expected not a big number of children to come, especially because it’s a Muslim area. The first day was beyond our expectations because God brought more than 50 children and young people, some came with their Muslim parents, two of them continued to come for the next few days. Children were happy to participate in all the camp activities and learn together how we can see God through creation, listen to Him, and talk to Him. When we asked at the end who has ever been in a camp like this, and who has ever heard about God and Jesus before, guess how many hands were up? Only one. One boy, out of 56 children and teens said that he heard about God before. What about the other 55 children, what about their families?

We realized, that God brought us to the right place, these people need Jesus! Now we have a burden to pray for God to send the right people to serve there and might be for us to visit that place more often. Besides kids camp, we had an opportunity to serve the elderly in this church. Most of them came to Christ after the tsunami that happened here many years ago, some don’t have any family members who would take care of them. Thank God, we could give some food packages to families, share about God’s love and help some in repairing some houses. Some of our youth members also come from needy families, but it was so nice to see them giving caring for others. When we were leaving, we didn’t promise, but we said we hope to come again at least next year. They are waiting. Please pray for us to do this and also for the faithful people to come and serve there.
May God richly bless you!
Avoda ministry in Thailand – San and Anita