On behalf of everybody, I express to you sincere thanks for your prayers and support in the distribution of Christmas gifts and evangelistic sets – for children and adults. Despite quarantine, we still managed to hold a Christmas performance and gave gifts. 35 children and 44 adults children and adults came from our village.

The participation of youth from Omsk affected the hearts of my eldest daughter, Polina (12), and son Semyon (9) and they expressed their desire to serve other people.

We drove through the villages and handed out gifts, and they participated actively in the ministry. They changed with us in costumes shepherds and did not hesitate to talk about their faith in Jesus and His wonderful birth. We visited three villages and handed out 150 gifts and about 200 Gospels. Thank you for your participation and assistance in expanding His Kingdom!
Omsk – Bethesda Evgeny Volkov