A few days ago, three of our young men were baptized as a confirmation of their renewed lives through the risen Christ. Each of their journeys to this event is unique, long, challenging, and not easy. Yuri, 42 years old, has been with us in the shelter for 1.6 years. He was baptized and is praying to enroll in a missionary faculty. He came to us from a garbage dump, where he lived for 2 years, gradually dying from alcoholism. Vladimir, 45 years old, has been with us for a year; he was homeless, suffering from drug addiction and incurable diseases, living on the streets. Sergey, 63 years old, has been with us for 1.2 years; his relatives kicked him out onto the street after the death of his aunt, whom he cared for for 5 years. He wanted to end his life.

But this is how they lived until they met Jesus, after which they want to live differently and be useful. Today, they are different people—radiant with joy and happiness. Joy accompanies us throughout our time running the shelter, which has been in operation for 8 years this year. On this occasion, we held a festive service attended by many guests and friends. Over the years, the shelter has become a home for many young people battered by fate. Guests are amazed by the changes that occur in people who have been deprived of shelter, health, and hope for a better life. But everything changes thanks to the Lord and the help of those who care about the suffering of others.

Thank you!

Ministry in Bethesda – Evgeny Volkov