We returned a few days ago from a two-week missionary trip. We prayed for that trip many years, and behold, glory to the Lord it took place. The Lord let me drive 5 thousand km through the western part of Russia. We visited 7 rehabilitation gospel centers and testified of the wonderful things God has done. A total of 250 more people heard the good news about our Savior. In addition, we shared a lot of joy great joy in their hearts, and we exchanged experiences and advanced the kingdom of God on earth. Many people accepted the Savior, and Christians glorified our heavenly Father when learning about His wonderful action in the ministry of mercy, on our Siberian land. During the trip, a brother called us and asked for help for a person who recently had his leg amputated. Today, Gennady is in our shelter. He came from Uzbekistan and lost all his documents. Hospitals are only giving him first aid, but can’t do anything else for him do.

I believe that the Lord will continue to take care of Gennady and others. We have 30 visitors who are currently living with us. And I thank you all, my friends, for your participation in the life and fate of these people. We are grateful and pray for you!
Ministry in Bethesda – Evgeny Volkov