In the last two months of the outgoing 2024 year, our team has done a great deal of work: Christmas performances were held, gifts, calendars, and, of course, the great joy was proclaimed: “…today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord.”

You can see the photo of the girl – who looks exactly like the child featured on the Christian children’s calendar for 2025. We went to a village with a performance, and during a personal conversation with one of the mothers, we learned that they have a daughter with cerebral palsy (CPC), who almost never walks, as she is physically unable to (except for visits to the hospital for treatment). When we entered their house and walked into the room, the first to freeze were the bunnies (teenagers in costumes), then I, followed by the mother and the little girl, after I pulled out the calendar.

“Mom, these bunnies brought me!” – that’s what the little girl said as she took the children’s calendar from my hands. This unforgettable moment left a bright light and a warm beam in the heart of everyone present, from God’s love, mercy, and care.

We are deeply grateful to each one of you for your persistent prayers. Your prayers are not just words; they are the powerful force of the Holy Spirit, which helps us move forward, inspiring us toward new achievements, goals, and victories. For Christ’s sake, please continue to pray for the youth, the teenagers from the volunteer team, so that they may be strong in faith and unwavering in following Christ. Also, pray for all those who heard the Good News, who received the calendars, Gospels, and Bibles.

Ministry in Bethesda – Evgeny Volkov