Our team of volunteers, representing eight congregations from the region, along with some young people who are not yet church members, conducted two family retreats. Over the two sessions this year, we hosted a total of 145 people. This year, we had a new addition to our team—a young woman taking her first steps in faith. She was inspired to join us by the testimonies of others who had participated in these retreats before.
About a month before the retreat, a brother and his family were returning from vacation. While sharing their faith on the train, they met a woman who turned out to be a sister in the Lord, though she was struggling in her faith due to her husband abandoning her. This event had divided her life into a “before” and “after.” She was traveling with her children—two teenagers and an 8-year-old girl—to the Altai region in search of a new home. But after connecting with the brother’s family, she felt God’s guidance and, a week later, arrived in Omsk to visit the brother’s congregation.

After attending a service—and through the prompting and guidance of the Holy Spirit—she decided to settle in Omsk. God’s intervention in her life didn’t stop there. Just at that time, a family canceled their attendance for the first retreat session, allowing her family to join us. God affirmed their decision, and they were deeply satisfied with the experience. Now, they are integrated into the brother’s congregation that welcomed them like family and are actively working with children in the ministry.
Ministry in Bethesda – Evgeniy Volkov