Last week, I returned from the Amazon. Together with friends from Germany, we visited indigenous tribes and river dwellers on the Purus River. The work in Crispim, the largest indigenous settlement, is progressing particularly well. Over the past few years, we have trained several leaders there who now lead the ministry, visit other small settlements, and spread the Gospel. They regularly send us photos and reports of their work.

The work among the river dwellers continues. Brother Pita, who lives upstream, started with a small group in his home, which now includes indigenous people from another tribe. The people are very open to the Gospel. Unfortunately, very often they cannot read, but with the ability to listen to the Bible via an app, this barrier is overcome. Thus, they gather to listen to the Bible together.

We visited the Apurina tribe on Puma Island. There we met a very remote group in the Nova Bandeira settlement upstream. The former chief of the tribe asked us to find someone who would agree to move there for a month and teach them the Bible daily. They are already converted but do not know the Scriptures. So, we notice that there is still a shortage of workers.

After the service, another woman approached me and asked to talk. She is often attacked by occult forces. Demons come to her and physically torment her. Before her conversion, she worshipped Satan and actively served among the indigenous people with her occult gifts. Now she is converted but still suffers from the consequences of her previous sinful life. 

Please continue to pray for our ministry among the lost people of the Amazon!

Ministry in Brazil – Willi Daik