In the last week of January 2024, I was in Bolivia at a summer camp for teenagers and youth of our Mennonite community. All services were conducted in the German dialect “Plattdeutsch,” and the theme was “In the Embrace of the Father.” I managed to deliver 6 sermons and two prayers in Plattdeutsch, which was no easy task. The most challenging part is reading the Bible in this language and praying. Many young people brought their lives into order before God. Although many of them did not have a good father at home, they were able to see God as the perfect Father based on the Scriptures.

As I wrote earlier, for April 2024, we are planning a trip along the Amazon! There will be a team from Germany, but English speakers can also join! Departure from Germany is on the 2nd of April, and departure from Brazil is on the 12th of April. I will be accompanying the group. We plan to visit the Paumari Indian tribe and other small settlements along the banks of the Purus River. If you want to be part of the team, please contact me, preferably via WhatsApp. We wish you God’s blessings this year and would like to thank all the donors who make our work here possible.
Please pray for successful ministry in the villages along the banks of the Purus River!
Ministry in Brazil – Willi Dyuk