Malawi – the power of the Gospel!

Malawi – the power of the Gospel!

Partson Mbundula was born on March 13th, 1991 in Blantyre – Malawi. He is married to Memori Katepa. God blessed them with two healthy children – Taniva and Daniel.

Memori is a qualified primary school teacher and is ready to help her husband in the ministry. Partson, prior to becoming a Christian, was the head of a notorious street gang. The devil took advantage of him when his father divorced his mother in 2003. He hated his father and could not forgive him. But Jesus had other plans for him. Partson accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior, who changed him completely. After completing a church planting course, he went to minister in the city of Chipoka in eastern Malawi. This is his third month of ministry and God gave him 26 members who accepted Jesus as their Savior.

Chipoka is located on the shores of Lake Malawi, which is dominated by Muslims from the Yao and Chewa tribes. They listen carefully to the good news, and we pray that God will reveal himself to them! Despite the limitations, God lets the church grow.

Pray for Parson, his family, and the young church in Chipok that they will be used by God to save many of the local tribes.

Ministry in Malawi – Willard Muvalo

Malawi – the commands of Christ

Malawi – the commands of Christ

David was born on June 4, 1991 in Ntcheu Malawi. After three months of training, he went with his wife to practice in Bwumbwe. David and Patricia have a child and are happy to have the opportunity to serve God. Bwumbwe is located in southern Malawi, where the Ngoni and Lomwei tribes dominate. People make a living by growing corn, tea, beans, and various vegetables.

On May 24, I visited their small church. I was glad to see the fruits of three months of work. 45 people who heard the Gospel accepted our Lord Jesus and are now members of the new community. David and Patricia work in a team, they created the youth and children’s ministry. Patricia teaches children every Sunday, while David conducts youth classes in the mornings.

They visit homes every week and share the word of God with the locals. In a conversation with me, some said that they no longer despair, but have a living hope for Jesus. He freed people from drug addiction, prostitution, witchcraft, and robbery to serve the living God. We thank you for participating in this work and ask that you continue to pray for revival in the area and for God’s guidance in the life of David and Patricia!

Ministry in Malawi – Willard Muvalo

Malawi – The Gospel for the people

Malawi – The Gospel for the people

Henderson Kautsi was born on 02.25.1990 in Ntcheu County, Malawi. He is a university graduate with a degree in Logistics and Supply Management. He is currently attending a theological school, married to Tendai, and blessed with one daughter, Raina. Henderson is a born again Christian and blessed with the gift of an evangelist.

After a three-month training from January to March 2020. Henderson began his ministry in the village of Natenye in the vicinity of Lilongwe. People here are very poor, live from agriculture, which gives them barely enough food. He began to work with the Cheva and Gulevankulu tribes. There were no believers in this village, but I am pleased to inform you that God led more than 20 people to salvation, through our brother, within three weeks. Even the leader accepted Jesus Christ.

Among those who came to God, there were 4 members of Gulevankulu. This is a tradition in Cheva associated with witchcraft and immoral behavior: they have a dirty speech, beat and enchant people.

Despite the coronavirus, God and his children do a great job. And all this is possible thanks to your support. Since January 2020, our pastoral school, as you can see, has been working effectively!

Ministry in Malawi – Willard Muvalo

Malawi – our first Project

Malawi – our first Project

On November 12, we went on our first trip to Malawi. At the invitation of the Zambezi Gospel Church leadership, we arrived and started working with children and build a Sunday school Building! We had “only” 5 transfers and of course our bags were lost. This was our first inconvenience, but this is Africa and here this seems to be the norm. Just a day later, they called us from the airport to tell us that our luggage was found. We took a shower, changed clothes and our moods improved.

We were greeted by the leadership of the union and discussed the details of the work and the various possibilities of ministry and we began with construction. Local helpers work like ants – without any rest. It is gratifying to see that they are not indifferent to the fact that we came to help them. In other countries, we only dreamed of such help … The atmosphere is open and very brotherly, it is very nice to see and hear. Willard Muwalo, the Union General Secretary, not only gave us five volunteers, but also offered his strength and construction assistance! We have already filled the foundation with concrete and started to weld the steel structure. Pray for our team, that the Lord bless all the planned work!

Ministry in Malawi – Vyacheslav Miteiko

Malawi – Pastoral Training!

Malawi – Pastoral Training!

Dear supporters of New Fields Ministries, as we wrote in the previous letter, God put in our hearts to open a school for church leaders in Blantyre – Malawi. Our people are very open but without training and instruction, it will be difficult for them to remain clear to the doctrine of the Gospel. To open new churches in remote areas and rural areas, we need educated pastors.

To sponsor pastoral training, we will need financial support of $100 per month for 2 years. We plan to train up to 20 pastors a year to plant new churches.

Currently, we have announced to the churches our first group 20 pastors who are willing to open up churches in northern Malawi. We believe that in January 2020, they will begin their training. We pray that the Lord will encourage you to participate in this matter! 

Ministry in Malawi – Willard Muwalo

Malawi – our children’s ministry.

Malawi – our children’s ministry.

In Malawi, many children have lost their parents due to HIV / AIDS. Children grow up on the streets and face many challenges. Many parents, if they are alive, live in poverty and make their children to sell things in order to earn money for the family.

Such children do not go to school and as a result of they remain without education. Often left to their own devices, such children turn into criminals. We have children who have lost both parents, and the eldest of them leads the family of his brothers and sisters. We have opened a children’s ministry to solve this problem and to help children come to Jesus Christ. We teach children the Word of God to sing hymns of worship. We teach them to share the Gospel and food with hungry friends.

Child trafficking is becoming a big problem in Malawi because of the poverty some parents are willing to sell their children.

Pray with us that the Lord will help us expand our ministry with children in all regions of our country. Thank you for participating in this project!

Ministry in Malawi – Willard Muwalo