“He who is able to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, by the revelation of the mystery, about which from time immemorial it has been silent, but which is now revealed, and through the prophetic writings, by the command of the eternal God, proclaimed to all peoples to conquer their faith. To the only wise God, through Jesus Christ, glory forever. Amen”. – Ephesians 3:20-21
It is in these places of Scripture, we, as the first generation of Baptists in South Sudan, have rooted and prayed to reach all the farthest corners of South Sudan and other sub-Saharan countries. The photographs you see are testament to the fulfillment of the commission of Jesus Christ and the preaching of the gospel to the lost in the refugee camps in northern Uganda. As part of this mission, a total of 76 people gave their lives to Jesus Christ, and they are now taking discipleship classes. Pray that God strengthened and grew them in their faith. Glory to God. We pray that God will continue to equip leaders so they can help all the lost in South Sudan.
The people of South Sudan have survived many wars. We never had our own school to train missionaries and pastors. And now, the long-awaited discipleship center has opened in Moyo, Northern Uganda! We started with 10 students who were recruited from the refugee camps. We have experienced the power of God for the last 14 days of teaching and witnessed four students being baptized after learning the biblical meaning of baptism.
Pastor Yonan Ismail baptized them early Friday morning! All students felt the importance of studying Word of God. Our first witnesses went to preach in the city of Moyo, located near the school, and in total 46 people turned to Jesus Christ. One former demoniac teacher also received Christ as Lord. We would like to sincerely give glory and honor to God for the fact that our training center began to work. We would like to thank you all for your prayers and generosity in supporting the construction of the center. We plan to provide online learning in the future, so you can teach as well. In our center and we are praying for hardware, screen, laptop, Wi-Fi, all of which will require about $3,000. Pray with us as we plan to reach the most remote villages, groups and tribes south of the Sahara.
The brothers and sisters from refugee camps in South Sudan northern Uganda give greetings. The life of a refugee is not easy. Many of us were traumatized by losing loved ones, leaving house and property behind. The permanent lack of food and diseases traumatizes even more people. Now there’s one more enemy, Covid19, which took the lives of many in refugee camps.
Frequent lockdowns due to the virus are a disaster for many families. Living in refugee camps is really hard. The family of Lemy Kosmasa left the refugee camp Bidibidi last month because of starvation and the family returned to South Sudan. This week we found out that the family was murdered in cold blood in Lainya. Another sad situation is that the majority of teenagers in refugee camps are dropping out of school due to Covid-19 and being unsupervised all day many girls between 12–14 years old eventually get pregnant. And the father’s child, who is a teenager himself, runs away from the camp to avoid responsibility.
Rose Dima and Joyce Murata invited over 200 teenagers to a conference, and we praise God that 33 of them gave their lives to Jesus. Word of God is alive and we pray that God strengthened these new believers would grow in His word.
The South Sudan Baptist Union still had no single school for disciples until this moment. In 2013 the civil war began, and most believers were forced to flee to neighboring countries, including to Uganda. The Refugees camps are in primitive conditions, there is no electricity or amenities. The camps have drinking water and refugees get corn, flour, and beans to feed their families! Despite the hard living conditions in the camps over 100 churches were planted. Many of the ministers do not have an education, and we have prayed and dreamed several years of a discipleship Center. At the end of May 2021, we started building the first center discipleship in Moyo – Uganda.
Thank you for your help and participation in the evangelization of the people in South Sudan. May the Lord bless you and will reward you for your care!
The Baptist Association of the Omugo refugee Camp in the Arua area on the west of the Nile, Uganda, organized a three-day conference. Many people gathered despite the Covid-19 Lockdown. Among those who came, there was also a Satanist. His name is Loki (name changed) and he was sent on a mission to kill pastors who came to the conference. But the prayers of believers did not give him rest.
Loki himself belonged to a secret society called “Eliminators”. This society has its own base. Their agents sent to disrupt functions in churches, to scare and kill believers. Their community includes both men and women. If somebody joins them, the first thing they do is ask the new Satanist to name them a family member and this beloved person in the family should be sacrificed. Many people have been killed in a similar manner in the camps in the north of Uganda. We thank God for the fact that Loki was freed from demonic addiction. He was well-armed, but repenting handed over his weapons to the church leaders. All items of worship and amulets were burned as the first apostolic church did.
We pray that Loki will be faithful and steadfast in the
Lord. Please pray for his growth in the Word of God and knowing His way!
Greetings to all of you and thank you very much for your
partnership in preaching the Gospel. We wanted sincerely thank you for each
prayer for South Sudan. May God bless you at all times!
Churches in Juba city, South Sudan, raised their voices, praising
and worshiping God, thank you for your generosity and desire to support them
with food and essential items.
Refugees in the protection camp in Juba were not able to get food from the United Nations, but you gave them everything they need for life.
Our brother Sule, who you see in the photo, developed trachoma and went blind. For three days he, his wife, and child were without food. Due to loss of sight, Sule can’t work any longer in the city. We thank God that the local church quickly shared food with this family. Having received food Sule was delighted and started to sing in his native language – Bari. Neighbors
rushed by to find out why he is singing so loud. Instead of telling
them, Sule sang one more song. Then he revealed his secret to neighbors: “I
sing songs joy because I experienced a miracle. God sees and hears the prayers
of the blind. He sent me my daily bread.”
Friends, you saved many people from starvation! They are sincerely thankful for your generosity and help! The Lord will reward you!