Church development in Strasbourg
Peace to you, In the last update I wrote about the blessings of the Family Camp and the repentance of 13 people.
Today, three of them have come to worship! We do not push them to come, but we are surprised how God has blessed them! They all feel the love and care for them. On holidays, a few more people who previously repented came to visit. In September, our brothers Gennady Gavrilov and Arthur, who work among Kurds from Russia, visited us.
The visitors listened to amazing testimonies from Scripture and from the life of the missionaries. Additionally, we tried to testify to Muslims and were armed with spiritual literature in their languages.
Recently met with Romanians and witnessed to them about Christ. They asked to receive a Romanian Bible. I gave them the schedule of our church events and invited them to come.
Three people found us on social media and began to come on a regular base. One of them is Valery. He is now preparing for baptism. And on October 21, a young girl, originally from Ukraine but lives in France, brought her mother to our church because she was all alone living at home. People come to church through our ministry, and then stay because they experienced the love of Jesus Christ and our love. We met and talked to the Ukrainian consul and his assistant for religious affairs, who promised to introduce me to the Ukrainian diaspora in Strasbourg.
Our ministry is growing, please pray for a revival among immigrants!
Ministry in Europe – Sergey & Vera Babich