Cambodia – you are the witnesses!
In Cambodia, we were allowed to visit Russian-speaking prisoners. One man was English-speaking, Andreas – he is sentenced to life. When we read to him from the Word of God and told him we had come to him for Jesus’s sake (I was in prison and you came to Me. Matthew 25:36), he cried. The word of God touched his heart. Another man – Sasha, prayed like this, “Hello God, my name is Sasha!”… We were greatly touched by his sincere prayer. We visited Sasha last year. Through him, many more people in prison found God.
At the time of writing this letter, I received a message from Cambodia, Sasha was released earlier than scheduled, he is in the church today. Two other Russian-speaking men have been under investigation for six months now. They promised to come to us in Vietnam whenever they are released. Of course, we talked and prayed with the Khmers (the local population of Cambodia), they seemed very sincere to us.
In the evening we were at a service in one of the churches, they sang, testified about the love of Jesus Christ, how good and merciful He is and after fellowship, we were invited to a dinner, where we were treated with all kinds of national food.
A different service was in the dispensary for drug addicts and alcoholics. The Lord allowed to testify of His power and to call for repentance. Everyone prayed, but more than 30 people came forward, knelt and turned to the Lord. Many of them cried. We all gave them some goodies.
We also went to slums, met with children and treated them with sweets. We also served in the orphanage, there are 35 children, we prayed and preached there.
Our dear friends, with all my heart and soul we thank you for the work that you are doing with us in the Glory of His Holy Name!
Ministry in Cambodia – Alexander & Irina Kulpin