Our guests from California

Our guests from California

God’s commission says: “go and teach … “. We had scheduled meetings in the Lamdong province, this is 87 miles away from us. We drove on mopeds. On our way, the electricity of one the mopeds failed. At the speed of 12 mph, one spare part fell off and hit the rear wheel. Our sisters fell off and a large truck, that was driving behind them, barely managed to drive around them. We instantly prayed for our sisters. The first sat on the road with bruises and torn hands, and the other lay on the ground for about a minute and didn’t move. We prayed, that she began to recover, we made an arm bracer from improvised materials and returned to the hotel. The first sister has two forearm cracks. The moped was sent as luggage home, and the sisters drove on the bus home.

A team from California arrived 2 days later. They lost 6 of their suitcases and they contained tools for a fruitful service. God created such weather conditions that it was impossible to drive to the planned places where we wanted to go, and then we used our Plan B. Apparently for Him it was always the main plan for our ministry to join the team from California.

We served together in the hospital. They handed out food packages to the poor, organized playgrounds and they also held joint services at which one woman turned to the Lord and repented. Praise be to Him!

Beloved brothers and sisters, we thank from the bottom of our hearts for our joint work. May God reward you with an endless abundance of His grace.

Ministry in Vietnam – Alexander & Irina Kulpin

Laos – People crave Christ!

Laos – People crave Christ!

For about 4 months we prayed to serve in Laos. We searched for Scriptures that we would be able to distribute in different places, among different key people. When we found the New Testament that we wanted, the price was beyond our reach. Then, having prayed, we decided to print one main verse in Lao – John 3:16

We went to the print shop that we used to print Bible quotes for our ministry before. My sister and I went to the manager to place an order, and she asked us, “what is written here?”, We started telling her about Jesus Christ. We asked her, “did you hear about Christ?”, She answered “no,” we continued to talk about God with her. It was evident that the Word touched her, she took out the money and said, “my husband told me to return the money to you.” We began to pray with her and thanked God. When we open our eyes, we saw the joy on her face, she took out the money that we already paid her for a new order and returned it to us as well. Inspired by such a blessing, we took the bus to Laos. And here the Lord blessed us even more, not knowing the language, not having an interpreter, God Himself did everything, we only were the tools in His hands. We saw how people took the Word of God, read, listened, how they trembled before the Word and how their faces changed.

We met a blind man at the bus station, a family passed by seeing how we shared the Gospel and they started to read to him; he listened and with hom all the other passengers. Then we gave him alms from the Lord, and everybody rejoiced because they saw the work of God. We continued our trip on mopeds and drove about 310 miles. There were many amazing meetings and opportunities to share the Word with the local population. We sincerely thank you, for your prayers, for your contribution to evangelizing this people.

Ministry in Vietnam – Alexander & Irina Kulpin

Kristina is already all grown up!

Kristina is already all grown up!

Grace and peace to be you my friends, brothers and sisters! Fifteen months have passed since we left for Vietnam and last saw Kristina. 10 years ago, we met her grandfather Boris in Petrovka, and so our friendship continued all this time.

Just two days before our arrival, grandfather Boris had died. Entering their hut, I saw that the windowsill was packed with all kinds of medications, and as Lyudmila, her grandmother told us this was just part of the medicine he was taking. His sickness was severe.

Thank God that our trips to this family were not in vain. And just before starting our ministry in Vietnam, we came to Boris, and he turned to the Lord in prayer. He was lying and I remember how he cried before God, that he was a sinner, and that he had lived without God.

Kristina is already in the 10th grade. She wanted to go to college to become a culinary expert, but since she is not yet 18 years, she can’t make decisions on her own. She is a modest girl and she is silent when asked how we can help. Having examined the situation in the house, we purchased food for them, paid for lunch at the school, bought firewood for the house and stationery for the school. Kristina wholeheartedly thanks the Lord for His mercy and care for her. Grandmother Lyudmila continues to get drunk in her grief. Unfortunately, her life has not changed yet, but we pray and put her into God’s hands so that the Lord will bring His divine order in her life.

Dear friends, we thank you with all my heart for your sacrificial hearts and prayers for this family. May the Lord reward you. Be blessed.

Serving children – Alexander Kulpin

Vietnam – Our house for the Lord!

Vietnam – Our house for the Lord!

The first year of our ministry in the missionary house is over. We had always our doors open and a daily gathering of people. The house serves not only us, but also the church and many teams from different parts of the world.

We are serving in Nha Trang. The city has a population of 500,000 people. 2500 of them speak Russian. The church was planted by us when we arrived here for the first time. We purposefully make disciples for Christ, by the proclamation of the Gospel and by serving the needy.

Thanks to God, we are renting the house for only $ 300 a month, including utilities, this is our base where all activities take place. We rented it for 3 years with the possibility of extending the lease. The house is large; several services are held here. Twice a week (Tuesday, Thursday) we organize home groups. All meetings of the leaders are also held in this house. When teams arrive, they also stay with us. In this house we spend our holidays and intercultural meetings. We are praying for more opportunities this house can give us. It is here where we prepare for ministries like creating and storing gifts, preparing food packages, and plan for children’s playgrounds.

On October 1st, we need to pay the rent the year in advance, but there are no funds. We need to raise 3600 dollars. Therefore, we are asking you, please help in the work of God, we are in great need. It’s hard to ask, but according to the Word of the Lord it is written: “Ask and it will be given to you”.

The Lord is never late, and we believe that He will come to our aid now! With Christ’s love!

Ministry in Vietnam – Alexander Kulpin

I was sick and you visited me

I was sick and you visited me

Recently, some brothers from Russia called us and said that there was Denis from Russia in a hospital close to us, who had been in an accident. They supported him financially for the surgery, and we were asked to bring the Gospel to him. We came to Denis and prayed with him. God blessed him, and he quickly recovered. He and his wife Olga have not turned their life’s to God yet, please pray for them.

Our friends Eli and Sergey are in trouble. Eli called and told us: “Sergey has been in a coma for a week now and doctors are demanding payment, or else he will be disconnected from the device, please pray for him.” We prayed a lot. After a couple of days, she called again, and says: “This is it, there is no money left, they will probably turn it off tomorrow”. We prayed even more, and my wife Irina did not sleep all night. In the morning we prayed at the meeting and soon after we received a video message from Eli showing that Sergey comes out of the coma and is now recovering. Thank God, He is not late!

When we were at the hospital, we saw a young man reading the Gideon bible. We got to know each other closer, his name is Vasily and he got in a moped accident which shattered his knee cap. We prayed with him, agreed to meet, after the surgeries and rehabilitation. The hospital building is 10-stories high. We go up the 10thfloor, we walk to each room and pray on each floor, we also pray with the Vietnamese and bless them with small surprises.

Recently I met Larisa, she has an allergy, but the doctors can’t make a correct diagnosis. When we offered to pray for her, and she gladly agreed. We went further along the corridor, and a Vietnamese called us to his room and asked us to pray. Thank God, we are already known here.

We thank the Lord that He has opened the doors for the Gospel. We thank you from the heart for your participation in our common ministry!

Ministry in Vietnam – Alexander Kulpin

Easter in Vietnam

Easter in Vietnam

Peace be with you friends, brothers and sisters! Thanks be to the Lord for having the opportunity to work with you here in Vietnam. We also thank Him for the fact that we can celebrate Easter twice this year. Although Vietnam (Southeast Asia) is in the east, they still celebrate according to the western calendar. We and our group prayed and decided that we would give presents to our close circle with whom we constantly have contact and make friends. These are neighbors, hairdressers, vendors, a bike washer, a bike mechanic, a cook, and many others. We counted around 50 people altogether.

On April 21st, we got up at 5 am, prayed, and at 6 am were already at a meeting in the Vietnamese church. We put the gifts in a motorcycle started to hand them out. The greetings were warm and friendly. We said in Vietnamese “Christ has Risen” and everyone happily accepted our gifts, it seemed as if they were believers.

The Vietnamese are in very tolerant people by welcoming any beliefs, as long as there is peace. We see the principle of God: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” By giving, we accept God’s power, His love, His perfection … May God bless us all.

Ministry in Vietnam – Alexander Kulpin