Lebanon – In Their Native Language

Lebanon – In Their Native Language

I have great expectations for 2025 and believe that the Lord has something special in store for Lebanon and all who live here. This month has been filled with events, meetings, and opportunities to serve people.

One of the most joyful moments was the visit of a family couple. For a week, we worked together for God’s Kingdom and had the chance to serve others.

One of the warmest and most memorable moments was a soap-making workshop. It not only gave women the opportunity to learn a new craft but also created a space for communication, friendship, and trust. We met new women, heard their stories, and shared the love of Jesus Christ. Some were familiar faces, but this gathering brought us even closer.

Many shared that in the busyness of daily life, they rarely have time for socializing. For some, this workshop was a rare chance to step out of their routine and be among like-minded people. One young woman, who recently moved to Lebanon, admitted that for the first time, she felt like she was among “her own people”—with those who speak her native language.

Ministry in Lebanon – K. G.

Lebanon — God Showed Mercy

Lebanon — God Showed Mercy

I met two girls through social media, and we often got together. I tried to be a friend to them while praying and asking the Holy Spirit to guide our interactions so I could witness to them. Every time I attempted to share my faith, they listened but showed no interest, and the conversation would shift in another direction. I handed the situation over to God and continued to pray for them, trusting that the Lord would open their hearts at the right moment.

One day, we met again, and one of the girls mentioned that she wanted to have faith in God but found it difficult and had many questions. A few days later, I suggested we meet personally to discuss faith openly. I shared that Jesus loves her and answered her questions. At the end of our conversation, I gave her a Bible, which she accepted with great joy. Her journey of faith is just beginning, but I believe that Jesus will touch her heart, and she will reconcile with Him. Please pray for this girl named Kenji.

Ministry in LebanonK. G.

Lebanon — God Has Shown Mercy  

Lebanon — God Has Shown Mercy  

In previous letters, I wrote about a girl who was suspected of having cancer and asked for prayers for her. I want to share the continuation of her story. I met Natasha through social media. One day, she called me and said she was in the hospital. When I arrived to visit her, she was very weak, pale, and had great difficulty moving. She was in a serious condition, but the doctors couldn’t diagnose her. During the diagnostic process, she was diagnosed with lung cancer, and a biopsy was taken to confirm it. Together with Natalia, we began to pray for her complete recovery and healing. Some time later, the test results came back, and the diagnosis was not confirmed. When she was transferred to another hospital, the new doctors reviewed all her tests, and although dark spots were clearly visible on the scans, the fresh tests were clean. She has now been discharged and is fully recovering. The Lord has shown His mercy once again and healed this girl. Thank you, Jesus, that the power of His Blood is still at work in us today, for “by His wounds we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5).

Thank you for praying for the ministry in Lebanon. I need your prayer support so that the Lord will continue to lead and guide the ministry among Slavic women. May the Lord open the hearts of people, and may the sown word bear fruit. I also ask for intensified prayers for peace in this region of the Middle East, that God’s protection will be over the people. May God’s Word spread throughout the earth, changing lives and destinies. I thank God and you for the opportunity to be His witness

Ministry in Lebanon – K. G.

Lebanon — Bible Study!

Lebanon — Bible Study!

One day, I met a woman who shared her difficulties and struggles in family life. She agreed to participate in a prayer marathon for one month, where we would call and pray together every evening. After just a few days, she shared a testimony that changes had begun in her family. I believe these changes were the beginning of significant transformations in her life. But most importantly, she learned to find her comfort in Jesus rather than in antidepressants. She told me that since we started praying, she no longer needed the medications and had thrown them away.

Now, in moments of anxiety or distress, she prays and finds her peace in Jesus. The Lord grants her true renewal. This liberation has become her personal testimony of how the Lord actively works in life. After learning what Jesus did for us on Golgotha, she accepted Christ into her heart. Previously, I had seen many statuettes of various gods in her apartment. But on the day she accepted Jesus, she took a trash bag, gathered all the idols herself, and threw them out of the house. We prayed together that only the Holy Spirit would now live in her home. 

I believe that the Word of God will act like a “double-edged sword” in people’s hearts and change their lives.

Ministry in Lebanon – K. G.

Lebanon — Church School!

Lebanon — Church School!

In the local church, I help with the school. When I began participating in this ministry, I realized the challenges faced by the local children. I want to share the story of a Syrian refugee girl in Lebanon. She is a teenager, around 15 years old.

First, a little background: In Lebanon, teachers frequently go on strike, demanding better working conditions and pay. Because of this, schools often remain closed for weeks, sometimes even months. Local residents have told me that some public schools haven’t been operational for several months.

This situation led the Arab church to open a free school, though it currently only has five grades. The girl I mentioned started attending this Christian school, even though she has long outgrown the fifth-grade level. It’s the only opportunity for her to receive assignments. As there are no other prospects, she has remained in the fifth grade multiple times. It’s better than doing nothing at all.

Children facing similar issues often end up working as porters in stores or scavenging for plastic in garbage dumps. Thanks to the lessons at this school, they have the chance to learn to read and write, and also to hear the truth about Jesus. I am grateful to God for the opportunity to be a part of this ministry.

Ministry in Lebanon – K. G.

Lebanon – 30,000 Slavs!

Lebanon – 30,000 Slavs!

In October 2022, I came to Lebanon to start my ministry in this country. This country is home to many different nationalities, among them about 30,000 Russian-speaking people. The purpose of my stay is to organize home groups among the Slavs for Bible study. To meet people, I use social networks and then through friendship and personal relationships, I witness to people about Jesus Christ.

All this time I have seen God’s hand and guidance in the ministry. Within a few months, a small home group was organized, which met at the house of one of the girls. The process of obtaining a residence permit was long, but thankfully, that issue has been resolved. Now I can stay in Lebanon for a longer period.

I need your support, I ask you to pray that:

  • The Lord leads and guides in the ministry.
  • God provides His protection and defense!
  • In Lebanon, there is no public transport except for intercity buses, so to get to the meeting place, I have to use taxis. About $100 goes on taxis in a month. I would be grateful for prayerful and financial support. God’s blessings to you.

Ministry in Lebanon – K.G.