How I found Christ
My journey to God has not always been the easiest. Growing up in a nourishing Christian family with an amazing church has been a big blessing to me. At a young age I knew what a Christian looked like, acted liked, and lived like. Yet, slowly my faith began to chip. It was a non alarming decision that found ground in my heart where I decided that living with God was limiting me. I abandoned reading the Bible, lost motivation to pray, and got tired of fighting all the temptations. The superficial, worldly entertainment soon began to wane as I realized among other things the many broken relationships which only added to my misery. I lost peace, joy, and most importantly His blessings. At the hardest point in my life I was begging God to rescue me and in February of 2016 God heard my prayers. It was hard work cleaning up the mess I made, yet after several months I finally felt the joy that I had forsaken. In that same year I got baptized, dedicating each and every day to God.
Have experienced living without God’s protection, I now understand what it means to live with Him. The fullness is immeasurable. I never want to lose that, but share that with those around me.
I never prayed or even thought about going on a missionary trip while in college but, God opened that door and gave the desire in my heart to dedicate this time to Him. I hope what God gave me I can share with others; I hope that many more can finally see their purpose for God and enjoy the fullness of life with Him now and in eternity.
Anastasiya Popova