PNG – In Prison!

PNG – In Prison!

We were able to visit the prison several times again and share the Gospel. It is amazing how hungry people are for God’s Word, especially when they are in confinement.

As seen in the photo, the conditions in which people are held while awaiting trial are simply inhumane. We help them with food, Bibles, and basic necessities like soap and personal hygiene items. However, this is just a small drop in the ocean, as the need is overwhelming. Thank you for continuing to preach the Gospel to these prisoners through your financial support!

Unexpected situations also happen frequently, with people knocking on our door day and night seeking medical help. Often, on the mission field, you are the 911 – an ambulance, police officer, and priest all in one. I cannot express how grateful I am to the Lord and to those who funded my Medical Missionary Intensive training several years ago.

Thanks to the skills I gained from that program, I can help people like the one in this photo. While I was stitching up a man’s eyebrow, Eugene was preaching the Gospel to him. Please pray for his repentance!

Ministry in PNG – E&I Konstantiniki

PNG – Our Day!

PNG – Our Day!

I’m writing this message under the steady rumble of the generator – there has been no electricity for three days, and although I try not to think about it, hearing the old machine barely drumming away, I sometimes wonder what will burn out first – the freezer, the computer, or the pump. I remember when we lived in a hut, these problems didn’t exist at all – electricity was simply absent by default, and we couldn’t afford a generator (even one as weak as the one we have now). God is good! And I will not take electricity for granted. It is a huge blessing, even if it works intermittently. But I really hope that I will be able to use the oven today: after all, it’s the men’s birthday today! Matthew turned 16 yesterday, and today Eugene is celebrating his birthday. I must note that he’s celebrating it in a hardware store, three hours away from us, buying nails, boards, roofing material, and other supplies for the school we hope to build deep in the jungle, God willing!

We thank the Lord for His protection and mercy towards us, congratulate Eugene and Matthew on their birthdays, and eagerly look forward to many more years together here on earth and in eternity.

Ministry in PNG – The Konstantiniki

PNG — There is no road

PNG — There is no road

Although the church in the village of Tombetaka has been around for about 5 years, it is only now that the Lord has allowed us to begin building a house of prayer. The village is located high in the mountains (a 3-hour steep climb), and although every time I visit I swear it will be the last, the beauty of untouched nature, and most importantly, the hunger for God’s Word, continue to call us, and we return again and again.

So, all the materials (iron posts, windows, bags of cement) are carried on people’s own shoulders across the pass. There is no road to the village, only a trail that, during the rainy season, turns into a muddy mess, and progress looks like one step forward – three steps back – fall – and start over.

We thank each of you who has already donated finances for this project! Dear friends, we only need to buy the roof now! If the Lord touches your heart, we kindly ask you to cover the cost for the roofing sheets – the walls and cement have already been purchased.

Perhaps not everyone can physically visit Tombetaka, but with your contributions, you can serve even while staying at home, and thanks to you, the residents of this remote village, who are so eager to know Christ, will no longer gather under a mango tree but will move to a real house of prayer, under a roof that is so needed during the rainy season.

Ministry in PNG – E & I Konstantiniki

PNG — Why Did You Come?

PNG — Why Did You Come?

Six hours upstream against the current of a crocodile-filled river—I barely managed to alternate between reciting Psalm 23, “You lead me beside quiet waters,” mentally humming the old hymn, “Master, the Tempest Is Raging,” and asking myself for the hundredth time whether I’d lost my mind.

Finally, the canoe dropped us off in the heart of “Nowhere.” It was already dark, but burdened with medications, we marched onward “over that mountain,” accompanied by the chirping of crickets and the rustling of palm trees.

Forty-degree heat, humid tropical air, and not the faintest breeze—we eventually reached the village of “Chili-Chili.” Suddenly, on the path ahead, a makeshift gate of palm leaves appeared, and a stern voice called out in Tok Pisin, “Why did you come?” Stunned, I looked at Zhenya, knowing that returning to the canoe wasn’t an option.

“We’ve come to share the Good News with you!”

Suddenly, the gates opened, and the brightly adorned villagers, dressed in feathers and paint, rushed out to meet us. I exhaled in relief—they had been waiting for us.

Over the next few days, we held a medical clinic, showed the Jesus film, and preached the Gospel. For the first time, I witnessed people literally RUNNING to the altar in repentance, so hungry were they for the Word of God.

We thank God for such an abundant harvest!

Ministry in PNG – Z & I Konstantiniki

PNG — Who Will Go?

PNG — Who Will Go?

For those who have read our book “Dreams Come True if You Believe”, you may remember our adopted son Jeremiah – a musically gifted teenager who was one of the first to join our family. This month, he and another of our adopted boys were accepted into the Discipleship Training School (DTS) at Youth With A Mission in Madang. This is a great joy for us and a long-held dream come true for them. Please pray that these six months will be not only an unforgettable experience but also a deepening of their relationship with God.

The Lord said, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations, and then the end will come.” In these turbulent times, we believe that the best place to invest time, resources, and strength is in the work of spreading the Gospel. Our goal is to teach the people of Papua New Guinea that the time has come for them to move from being a “mission field” to becoming a “sending church,” reaching from island to island, both within PNG and beyond.

With great joy, we send hearts that have responded to the Lord’s eternal call: “Who will go…?” This Sunday, we had the opportunity to pray with the laying on of hands and to send off David and Evelyn’s family, who are embarking on a long-term mission to share the Gospel and establish a church in a neighboring country, Indonesia!

Ministry in PNG – Z & I Konstantiniki

Papua New Guinea — In the Hospital

Papua New Guinea — In the Hospital

In both the hospital and the prison, the Lord has been touching the hearts of people who joyfully accept Christ. Even more joyful is the fact that our adopted son, Cedric (who recently welcomed his second child), has joined us in this ministry. Our desire is to send him and his family to pastoral school so that he can continue his work even more effectively. The Lord is adding those being saved to the church!

Recently, we witnessed a miracle that I want to share with you. Fleeing from a tribal war (which, as you know, is not uncommon here), about two hundred people sought refuge. These refugees had lost everything—having fled through mountains and jungles with only what they could carry, along with the elderly and children—until they miraculously arrived in a village near ours. The Lord moved us to visit them with the Gospel and the film “Jesus.” The following Sunday, our church was packed, with no place to sit, as all of them came, and every one of them came forward to repent. After the prayer, they began singing praises to the Lord in their native language—a language we do not understand, but we could feel the warmth of their newfound love for Christ in our hearts. Please pray that this fire does not fade but grows into a flame that burns brightly to the ends of the earth.

Next week, we are planning a 10-day trip to the remote region of Bougainville in Papua New Guinea. We kindly ask for your prayers for safe travels and for our time there.

Ministry in PNG – E & I Konstantiniki