Repentance in prisons!

Repentance in prisons!

Papua New Guinea is one of the world’s leading country in terms of crime, and its capital, Port Moresby, is officially the worst tourist destination.

The criminals are mostly from single-parent families who run away from home and roam the streets, gradually turning into criminals.

You should not be surprised if you are on a bus and in broad daylight people in masks jump out of the bushes and block the road with weapons. Especially at night, minibusses gather 10-20 people to travel together or otherwise all passengers may be robbed to their last clothes, and women will be raped. Those who dare to fight back will be shot.

As a consequence, prisons are overcrowded. And while they are serving time they are becoming inclined to accept the Gospel.

We visit the prison twice a month, which is 2 hours away from us and we bring the prisoners not only the Gospel but also soap, fresh fruits, and vegetables, which they are lacking in the prison. A small group meets inside, and each time more and more prisoners decide to follow Christ. We need about $400 a month to maintain this project. May God bless your heart and your participation in this ministry!

Ministry in Papua New Guinea – Zhenya & Ira Konstantiniki

New Guinea – Christmas

New Guinea – Christmas

The prison ministry is slowly growing into another church. Five prisoners are getting ready to be baptized. Thank you for carrying this ministry together with us! For Christmas we are planning to be busy – we are preparing a Christmas program with children and plan to visit each of our four partner churches. At the beginning of January, we are going to hold a conference and baptism.

Last week we came together with the leadership team for prayers. We believe if awakening won’t be with the leaders, then the response in the communities will be silent. We are grateful to God for this team of dedicated people who put their life on the altar of the ministry. We currently have four churches, each has a pastor, including our senior pastor Joshua at Yonki’s Promise Land. All of them left their villages and moved to the place where they serve, to these very hard-to-reach places, deep in the jungle. They all don’t work and have families with children that they need to provide for. Tithe in churches is about 2-3 dollars a week.

If God prompts you to support one of our pastors for ongoing support or maybe a one-time gift for Christmas. Please be sure to pray for them constantly, only God knows what sacrifice they make.

Ministry in Papua New Guinea – Zhenya & Ira Konstantiniki

New Guinea – mother to 19 children

New Guinea – mother to 19 children

Although I gave birth to only two white children, I have many more black children in my heart. The nineteenth child is called Simon. I will never forget when I saw him for the first time – we picked him up, barefoot and tattered, from the street of the big city where he lived and was surviving with food that people threw to him. At night he often talked in his sleep, mostly cursing everyone and everything, and at dinner, he always hid a piece of food as a “reserve”.

He now goes to school, he no longer has lice, and only God knows what he all had. And instead of swearing words, he constantly sings with his full voice, not very accurate but very sincere. “There is a place for me in the house. I am a child of the King, I know!” And the main event for us was his repentance a few weeks ago. Simon was nobody’s, and then he became ours. And now, finally, he has become HIS. Simon does not know how to read, but he really wants to learn it, and if you go into his room during the day, you will surely find him sitting on the bed and staring dreamily at the Bible – the only book he has. And every evening he prays for a long time, always out loud.

Matthew, his roommates said: “Yesterday we prayed together before going to bed, and Simon prayed for so long that I fell asleep, and when I woke up, he was still praying.”

I recently became a mother, for the 19th time. I have been told I am out of my mind. Yes – I answered. 19 is just a number, but behind each of them is some gray hair, and there are always a million questions … Yes, I lost my mind. But, every time I see their smiles, their glowing eyes, and hear a “mommy” – I know that I am ready to do it 20, 30, and 100 times. Give us strength, Lord.

Ministry in Papua New Guinea – Eugene & Ira Konstantiniki

Papua New Guinea – God’s plan!

Papua New Guinea – God’s plan!

Quinilla is three and a half years old and is was always smiling, talkative, and even when she became ill with typhus, it did not completely wash the smile off her face. She knows the words of all the songs that we sing, and during worship in the church, she holds her hands high, looking up to heaven. If you are listening late in the evening, then you can catch her tender voice singing: “There is power in the name of Jesus, to break every chain …”

Three is not only her age but also the number of times her mother tried to abort her – but each time she survived. I saw this smiling miracle when she turned 5 months old, and soon her whole family began to attend our meetings. Now her parents are expecting another child, this time is a wish. It has been 3 months since Quinilla has been attending our Christian kindergarten. It was here that she learned her songs, and learned that God has a plan for her life. More than a hundred children, between 3 to 5 years old, visit our nursery. Behind each smile is an untold story, behind every look there is a hidden pain. We do not charge students; our desire is that as many children as possible come – and that they find out that there is a Father in heaven who loves them and never leaves them.

Out of four classrooms, only two are ready to use, which means we could double the nursery once we fix them up. To do this we need to lay the floor and insert the windows in the two remaining classes, as well as plywood the walls. Please consider supporting us, thank you.

Ministry in Papua New Guinea – Eugene & Ira Konstantinik