I understand that nothing is impossible for God, and He can heal instantly. I desire to grow in this ministry. But for people to trust us and turn to us, we need to take action and be involved in their lives. Jesus said, “Let Your will be done, not mine.” We do not know who will be healed or when, but we pray for the children in faith.
In Omsk, we continue to care for three orphanages, a hospice, and the pediatric oncology ward.
In the orphanage “Artyn,” there are three siblings—two brothers and a sister. They were all born in the same week, and we were invited to their birthday party. However, when our team was unable to come, the children canceled the celebration and rescheduled everything to wait for us. This shows how building relationships is a key factor in the lives of these children. In the oncology ward, we see progress in working with parents, many of whom struggle with the emotional burden and stress. We meet with them every week.
Right now, we are praying for a boy named Egor. He is five years old and was recently admitted. He is preparing for a bone marrow transplant, but the doctors say his illness is progressing very quickly. If all medical procedures are completed in time, Egor and his mother will fly to Saint Petersburg this month.
Thank you, dear friends, for your prayers and financial support. It is crucial for this ministry and for our team!
Many people have heard that Jesus was born, but they don’t understand what it means and how this event affects their lives! We decided to use this time and worked hard during the Christmas holidays.
We visited four orphanages, the children’s oncology department, the children’s hospice, and gathered orphaned children for three Christmas performances. In total, we distributed 600 gifts to children, and all of them heard the good news about the Savior. Over 100 medical workers attended the events and also heard the Christmas message.
On Christmas, we visited Apollo, a child who had been in hospice and was in critical condition. With your help, we managed to help the child get back on their feet and even return to their family. Today, we continue to help the child by visiting them at home. It’s truly a miracle. I prayed for Apollo to survive, and not only did he survive, but he also returned home to his family.
Just yesterday, we returned from another city where we visited Sonya! She is now 16, and it turned out that all this time, the girl had been suffering abuse in her foster family. We were able to help her return to the orphanage, and now there is no longer any threat to Sonya’s life.
In the last two months of the outgoing 2024 year, our team has done a great deal of work: Christmas performances were held, gifts, calendars, and, of course, the great joy was proclaimed: “…today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord.”
You can see the photo of the girl – who looks exactly like the child featured on the Christian children’s calendar for 2025. We went to a village with a performance, and during a personal conversation with one of the mothers, we learned that they have a daughter with cerebral palsy (CPC), who almost never walks, as she is physically unable to (except for visits to the hospital for treatment). When we entered their house and walked into the room, the first to freeze were the bunnies (teenagers in costumes), then I, followed by the mother and the little girl, after I pulled out the calendar.
“Mom, these bunnies brought me!” – that’s what the little girl said as she took the children’s calendar from my hands. This unforgettable moment left a bright light and a warm beam in the heart of everyone present, from God’s love, mercy, and care.
We are deeply grateful to each one of you for your persistent prayers. Your prayers are not just words; they are the powerful force of the Holy Spirit, which helps us move forward, inspiring us toward new achievements, goals, and victories. For Christ’s sake, please continue to pray for the youth, the teenagers from the volunteer team, so that they may be strong in faith and unwavering in following Christ. Also, pray for all those who heard the Good News, who received the calendars, Gospels, and Bibles.
This year, our congregation put on a Christmas performance with a large number of musical elements and songs, all aimed at glorifying the newborn Christ. The essence of the performance was the idea that Christmas is the celebration of the birth of the Messiah, and it is important for the born Savior to always be the center of this holiday.
At the scheduled time for the performance, the House of Prayer was filled with people who had received invitations. Believers were eager to bring someone they knew. This time, many people who had never entered the House of Prayer before came. We had been inviting many of them for a long time, but only now did they respond to the invitation. We intentionally oriented the performance not only for children but also for families. Therefore, as they say, “both old and young” came to the celebration.
The hall, which accommodates 80 people, was overcrowded, and those who arrived later had to watch the performance from standing positions. The performance lasted just over an hour, and the time passed unnoticed, with the emotional connection between the performers and the audience felt throughout the evening. The climax of the performance was the distribution of the long-awaited gifts.
Christmas is a time when people’s hearts are open to the Gospel! In our ministry to children, we try to use this time effectively, stocking up on gifts and literature about the birth of the Savior, and people are happy to talk and listen during Christmas Eve.
We plan to give five hundred gifts to children. For many, this is very important because they are deprived of love and care. Last year, we shared the Gospel and gave gifts to children in orphanages. The children are waiting for us, they dress up and prepare a performance for us, and together we celebrate the birth of Jesus.
We also perform a Christmas play with decorations, especially for children in oncology and hospices, where it is very hard for them. They may participate in the Christmas scene for the first and last time. Both children and medical workers receive gifts and Bibles. I remember that last year, when we talked about the meaning of Christmas, there were many children with whom I prayed for Jesus to be born in their hearts. I especially remember the story when a child’s mother, who was in the oncology department, came up to me and said that she had heard the true meaning of Christmas for the first time and wanted to pray too.
We are preparing, and we really need your help, both in prayer and financially. Thank you for always being with us!
We have been praying and reflecting for a long time about the construction of a house of prayer in the village. The Lord has already met us halfway, and we have land! We are praying for the formation of a team of workers. We need sacrificial, dedicated ministers! We are also praying for the expansion of the church. Three brothers were baptized in the summer of 2024, and two are preparing for baptism in January 2025. This is a great blessing for us! There are already two small groups in the village, and we are praying for the expansion of this ministry!
Christmas services are ahead. We plan to participate in several short-term missions across Siberia (ranging from three to seven days), with the goal of preaching the Gospel, conducting children’s programs, and distributing sweet gifts and calendars to small ethnic groups. The first trip will take place in mid-December, and we will bring 700 gifts. After the Christmas holidays, we will pray and start the third group in the village.
Over the past year, we had one wedding, and the newly formed family has stayed to live and serve in the village. At the end of the summer, they had a son. We continue to run a children’s and youth club.
We thank you, dear ones, for your help and prayers in supporting the mercy house ministry. Over the past year and a half, we were able to make cosmetic repairs to the shelter building: we replaced the electrical system, installed fire alarms, painted the walls, put up a suspended ceiling, solved the water supply issue, reorganized the kitchen, and made a separate dining room.
Thank you, dear ones, for your help and prayers for us.