Kamchatka – troubled beginning

Kamchatka – troubled beginning

On May 10th, 2000 our plane landed in the village of Palana, Kamchatsky. We got off the plane, but no one was meeting us. It was cold and snowy. The Lord alone knows what happened in our hearts. He was with us. He blessed the birth of our fifth child. On July 14th, our beautiful daughter was born. Truly, our God is Wonderful, although there were many difficulties, we had to sleep dressed since it was cold. When drunk people came, with knives, the Lord was with us and showed His wonderful love and care. Today in Palana there is a Church, a house of prayer, a small choir, orchestra. We try to bring the Gospel to the poor and unfortunate souls that do not know and have not tasted the love of the Good Shepherd Jesus Christ. We thought we were going for two years as we were offered, but now it’s over 10 years we still do the ministry on the edge of the earth. And with complete confidence, we can say: “Up to this point the Lord helped us.” The life lived for Christ, is a beautiful life.

And the beauty of this life is contained in that it intertwines and joy, and sorrow, and tears, and laughter. And the greatest happiness is that we are witnessing when the unfortunate sinner is reconciled with God’s blessing. I sincerely want to thank you all for participating in Gospel with us.

Ministry in Kamchatka – Gennady Mozhaytsev

Trekol for Kamchatka!

Trekol for Kamchatka!

The last time we wrote about the family Gennady and Galina Mozhaytsev, who are serving in Kamchatka. Their church prays for an all-terrain vehicle “Trekol”, so they can drive during the summer through the swamps, and during winter to reach remote villages with the Gospels. In the photographs, you can see how in January 2021, our brothers and sisters made their way to remote villages to evangelize to the Koryaks and Evens. Indigenous peoples are very open to the gospel.

The winter road is a frozen swamp with one lane to drive on. It’s hundreds of miles long without signs and navigation. There are sticks on the side of the road pointing to a direction that is 300 – 600 feet apart – that were put there by the road service. But during a blizzard, when the visibility is 15-30 feet meters the poles are not visible.

To determine where the road leads one person walks ahead with a shovel and looks for the sticks, and the vehicle follows slowly. But walking against the wind during a blizzard at -40 is very hard. The other option is to sit it out at the end of the blizzard while sitting in the car. But fuel runs out after 2-3 days. There is no connection, electricity, and Phones don’t work. The risks are big. Therefore, a reliable all-terrain vehicle can save the lives of our missionaries. If you get off the road, then the car falls into a snowdrift 3 feet deep and problems begin seen in the photo above. In February I was driving along the winter road for 23 hours. Had to dig up the car six times from the snowdrifts and once drove in an ice hole. There are “the dangers of the rivers” including bears and shamans. Our friends have been evangelizing here and do not give up.

Minsitry in Kamchatka – Veniamin Horev

Trakol for Kamchatka!

Trakol for Kamchatka!

In the north of Kamchatka there is village called Palana and is in the center of the Koryak district. In the year 2000 the family of Gennady and Galina Mozhaytsev with their four young children from Belgorod came to this village. They settled in a cramped two-room apartment. Due to the lack of vitamins the children fell ill with tuberculosis. The fifth child was born in Kamchatka, and the family adopted three more orphans. Galina recalls how in one night somebody knocked on the door, he seemed possessed and had a knife, promised to kill the whole family, but the Lord saved them. When the children got up started praying and singing, the possessed left.

The sacrifice that family did was not in vain. In 20 years of evangelism to the indigenous peoples in Palana a church formed: 18 people were baptized, now we have 32 born again Christians with 8 young families. Residents of many villages expect believers to visit them, but in May the ice melts and movement on winter road ends. Transportation is only possible by helicopters, which is very expensive. Palana is cut off by swamps for 9.5 months. There is only one opportunity to preach the gospel all year round if you buy the Trakol all-terrain vehicle: it is excellent in the swamps and in the snow moves with 8 passengers. It floats and is equipped with an engine from Volvo. Our brothers in the tundra have been using Trakol for 20 years. Its the only one on the market in Russia that is fitted for the north and off-road transportation. We visited the manufacturer. We need to collect $ 70,000 for this project. We believe that this is God’s work and ask all of you for help!

Serving in Kamchatka – Veniamin Khorev

The church far north!

The church far north!

God has shown us mercy to be His preachers in the Yamal Peninsula. Being in God’s hands, we experienced many blessings. The initiator of this journey is, of course, our Savior, who said that His followers would be witnesses of the Good News to the ends of the earth.

Starting the trip with a prayer, we used the all-terrain vehicle “Tracola”, to drive a pre-planned route. We heard about difficulties in traveling for others and were surprised how the Lord helped them in those circumstances. But at the beginning of the road, we still did not know what obstacles we personally had ahead of us. But still we will value it, because of our experience of trusting in God, He has the solution to all problems!

Seeing the power and strength of our Lord through hard times strengthens our faith and it encourages us to continue on our way, visiting missionary families and groups of believers, as well as believers of the Nenets and non-believers living in tents. When preaching about Christ, we encourage some and also encourage ourselves.

Our path led us through the national villages in which there were churches. After more than 700 km (435 miles) we ended up in a village, in which a church exists and a family of missionaries lives with their five children. We were greeted with a lot of care, attention, and warmth, and enjoyed being with our friends.

How nice it is to be around people who have dedicated their lives to the altar of the service to God! Our hearts are especially pleased when, in these last times, we come in contact with simple Christian families who are living openly a sacrificial life in Christ.

Ministry in Yamal – Zubach Vladimir

Trip to the white island!

Trip to the white island!

While socializing with the local people of the northern Yamal, we noticed that they have their own special history of settling in these once-lifeless places.

Even their faces are more adapted to the harsh weather conditions! And the bodies of the indigenous people, it is clear that for centuries they have adapted to the harsh realities of the North. But they need Christ! With all their health and fitness – without God, they are lost sinners. I am convinced that He wonderfully planned the salvation for perishing unbelievers!

By the grace of God, I was able to participate in several evangelical trips. Together, we have traveled more than one thousand miles off-road. In our journey from hut to hut, and from village to village, we were periodically accompanied by difficulties and breakdowns.

One time, because our all-terrain vehicle broke down once more, we had to spend three days in the open tundra, far from any civilization and essential human necessities at -22 degrees Fahrenheit.

While being in a warm snow truck, during the quiet hours of thinking about the Word, our brothers got the right idea for solving the breakdown. God had planned our breakdown in advance so that we were not in need of anything: food was there, material for the repair was not far off in the tundra, and we had enough fuel. Even a cellular connection – miraculously worked in this place among the tundra, however, for it to work we had to climb on the roof of our snow truck “Tracola”.

I can’t keep quiet about the fact that in spite of all the beautiful things that we saw during our travels in the tundra, leaving the North – sadness remains in my heart. I feel for the missionary families who are far from other Christians, suffer from lack of communication and care. In these difficult circumstances, they lead a sacrificial life, leaving a good mark in the hearts of the non-Christians around them.

It is also sad to see for those Christians who live in tents, far from any church, they receive visitors, who can and encourage them, only a few times a year. I will never forget the family of our Nenets believers: Victor and Veronica are members of the church. They live in front of the White Island, near the Malygin Strait. I still see Veronica crying when we were leaving them. Seeing us driving away, she sobbed, fell on her face down into the snow, and did not stand up until we disappeared from her eyesight. She did not hide the reason for her grief because she knows that the next time the evangelists would come to them again will only be in a year.

It makes us sad to see how our friends remained at the very edge of the earth, far from the church or brothers and sisters – and surrounded by many deer. Although the deer are not a burden for them, but the relationship to other Christians is hard to forget.

This was only one family, but there are still many other Christian families out there! Let us pray for them, that God will support them and strengthen them in following Him!

Ministry in Russia – O. K.