Omsk – God Heals Children

Omsk – God Heals Children

Recently, I have witnessed how God miraculously heals children through our prayers. This month, we visited orphanages, paying special attention to graduates. Currently, we are supporting thirty-seven young people who have graduated and are eager to connect with us and seek help. Three of these young individuals will be baptized. This is God’s grace!

The children’s hospice has moved to a new location and is in need of renovation; we are diligently assisting the medical staff. We have special concerns about Yarik, a child who is practically immobile and relies on artificial respiration. His condition has worsened, and we have prayed and cared for him as best we can. Yarik is in critical condition; I understand these children are severely ill, but over the years, you become attached to them as family and fight for each day of life.

When we come and spend time with these children, we sing songs, pray for them, and see the sparkle in their eyes. We hope the Gospel reaches their hearts. In the pediatric oncology unit, there aren’t many children, which is good; those who are there receive our love and hear about hope, and they themselves ask us to pray for them.

Ministry in Omsk – Sasha Melnikov

Omsk — Lera Went to our Father

Omsk — Lera Went to our Father

We organized a big celebration on Children’s Day, June 1st. Over the summer, new graduates from orphanages arrived, and we are actively communicating and working together. Working with children transitioning to adulthood is, in our view, the most important and challenging task. If we don’t reach out and win their hearts, they may start living a life of crime. Two girls gave birth at 16, and we are now helping them to survive. It’s crucial to teach them to choose life over death.

In a previous letter, I wrote about a girl who suffered from epilepsy, and her mother asked for prayers for healing. After our prayer, the child recovered. God showed mercy, and we began to regularly communicate with this family. For two months now, the girl has been rejoicing and praising God! This is a great encouragement for me.

This month, Lera, a girl we had been caring for for about five years, was admitted to the oncology department. Her health had suddenly worsened, and metastases spread to her internal organs. She was in a lot of pain, so our team created a schedule to ensure someone was with her every day to support her. She desperately wanted her mother to be with her, but her mother had lost parental rights and squandered all her resources. Lera was very tired of fighting the illness. We prayed with her, and she understood that she was going to the Heavenly Father. Lera was buried on June 7th. This is a difficult ministry, but we are needed by these children.

Ministry in Omsk – Sasha Melnikov

Omsk — His Dream is Coming True!

Omsk — His Dream is Coming True!

Our most joyous news is the successful discharge of Artemiy from the hospital. We have been accompanying him for two years while he was undergoing treatment at the oncology center for leukemia. We faced various stages in his treatment. There was a time when his mother asked me to pray for his healing. The boy was so weak that he couldn’t even get out of bed. This week, he was discharged home and is now in remission!

Artemiy had a dream of owning a bicycle and riding it himself. We bought him a bicycle, and he is thrilled. Now, we will continue our friendship by bringing him and his mother to Sunday services.

Recently, a woman contacted me, saying that the head of the neurology department had given her my phone number. Her daughter, Nadya, is in a severe condition, experiencing epileptic seizures every five minutes, and the doctors cannot determine the cause as all tests are normal. Nadya’s mother said, “I believe if you pray for her, my child will be healed.” Nadya would freeze with open eyes, and her body would convulse. I prayed with her mother, who decided to change her life and ask for God’s forgiveness, and then I prayed with the girl. Two days later, Nadya’s mother informed me that the seizures and convulsions stopped after I left.

Brothers and sisters, I haven’t been this happy in a long time. I experienced immense God’s grace. Praise the Lord that we can be helpful and work together in this ministry. Thank you for your prayers and support!

Ministry in Omsk – Sasha Melnikov

Omsk – Works of Mercy!

Omsk – Works of Mercy!

Today, acts of mercy are the most effective way to spread the Gospel, and only someone who has experienced the Lord’s mercy can truly be merciful. Our team continues to visit pediatric oncology wards, hospices, and orphanages for disabled children, where a total of over 300 children reside.

This month, we held a reunion for orphanage graduates, with 34 children aged 16-21. These are children we have supported for the past 6 years. Not all of them will choose the right path, but they have a chance to change and glorify God in their lives.

In the hospice, there is a boy named Vanya who is 7 years old and very ill. His nervous system is affected, and he has many physical injuries. He lies in bed restrained because he scratches his face and could damage his eyes, and he suffers from severe convulsions. When I visit, I take him in my arms, walk with him, and pray for him. He calms down and stops arching his back. He needs constant medication, treatments, and special nutrition. I ask you to pray for Vanya and his health! God is almighty and can heal the child!

There is also good news! Apollon, a boy from the hospice whom we cared for over 3 years, has found a family. We visited him, and he is happy and content. I am grateful to God and to you that I can effectively carry out this ministry with the children! Thank you for your help and prayers!

Ministry in Omsk – Sasha Melnikov

Times when we are needed

Times when we are needed

Greetings, brothers and sisters! I want to tell you how God works among vulnerable children and how we can participate in this work. Our team visited four children’s homes and spent wonderful time with the children. We cooked food, played sports games, and had interesting discussions with them. Children in the hospice require special attention. Many of them cannot live independently, but when I come, touch them, and speak to them, they react and rejoice!

Ana is four years old, and she has leukemia. She is currently undergoing heavy hormonal therapy, and the child is deeply distressed and upset. She understands everything, and soon she will need to go to St. Petersburg for a bone marrow transplant. While working with children at risk, I have realized that there are times when they need us the most. When a child is lost, in pain, and scared, they cling to you and want to find hope. It’s a good time to tell them about hope and introduce them to Jesus in a childlike way.

Over the past month, more than six mothers approached me and expressed gratitude for the help and support they received in moments of despair.

Thank you for your participation in this ministry. There are many needs, and I can’t even pinpoint the most pressing one. Glory to God – this is our place in His vineyard.

Ministry in Omsk – Sasha Melnikov

Omsk – preparing for baptism!

Omsk – preparing for baptism!

It is a great joy to give oneself to children, to be with them, and to share everything you have! I sincerely thank you for the opportunity to serve them!

Lisa has reached St. Petersburg, and she is being prepared for a bone marrow transplant. Our ministry continues, and we visited three children’s homes, a hospice, and paid special attention to pediatric oncology. There are many children there today, of different ages. Arseny, 8 years old, needs help, as his mother is raising him alone. They live in the district, and there are no funds for existence, as his mother has been lying in the hospital with her child for 5 months.

Currently, Arseny is on hormones and is very depressed, but when I come, we can find a reason for joy. It is very difficult for him, and he has a bone marrow transplant ahead. His mother asks for help and asks to pray for them.

There is good news about Savvily (in the photo), a boy born without knee joints. I wrote about him earlier. He is preparing for baptism in our church. I have known him for 5 years, and we have been working with him all this time, and now there is a result. Two months ago, his mother passed away, and the church is now his family.

I am grateful to God for the opportunity to serve these children, and for you who give us this opportunity, praying for us and helping us materially. We need your help! Service in Omsk

Ministry in Omsk – Sasha Melnikov