Greetings, brothers and sisters! Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” This means that when we give, we receive true joy and fulfillment through serving others, and ultimately, serving God.
I am grateful to God for revealing this simple truth, and I want to share the blessings from our collaborative work and express immense gratitude for the prayers and financial assistance. This month, we have been involved in ministry at orphanages, an oncology hospital, and a children’s hospice.
The fate of Dasha particularly requires attention and prayer. She is a 12-year-old girl who is paralyzed. We got acquainted when I was asked to transport the child from her home in the Omsk region to the hospice in Kormilovka, which is approximately 250 kilometers away. During the journey, we had time to get to know each other better. Dasha’s mother, Lena, also has a 5-year-old daughter, and she is raising the children alone without a husband.
Dasha was born as a healthy child, but when she was four months old, she received a vaccination at the local clinic, and she became unwell and started lagging behind in development. Later, after medical examinations, it was discovered that the pediatrician miscalculated the dosage, resulting in damage to the nervous system, and Dasha is practically unable to move. She never learned to crawl or walk. Her mother carries her in her arms. Dasha was admitted to the hospice because they have the necessary equipment for further diagnosis and treatment.
Now we have become friends with Dasha and her family, and we will help them. The mother is facing financial and emotional hardships. Dasha requires special nutrition, hygiene products, and medication. I ask for your assistance and prayers. Thank you for your participation!
Graduates from orphanages, twenty people, came to our Christian base in the village for three days. We had a very good time with them, and the children attended the meetings and all the events. We also visited the orphanages and spent time with our friends. In the past month, we received twenty children, all of them are small abandoned children.
Gosha, a boy from a hospice, is in in need special care. He can hardly move, but he understands and reacts, especially to affection and attention. Apollo is on the path to recovery, and it’s much easier for him to breathe because of the food we bring him.
The pediatric oncology department is also overcrowded, with many new children. We sent a boy named Egor to St. Petersburg for a bone marrow transplant. He urgently needs surgery, and his condition is currently critical. We did everything we could, and now our friends in St. Petersburg will visit the child, bring everything he needs, and pray with Egor. He loves it when people pray for him.
Saveliy sends a huge hello and gratitude. We have helped him a lot, and for almost five years, we have practically been raising this child. His mother cannot cope with life, but Saveliy, despite being born without kneecaps, is an amazingly cheerful child. He spends a lot of time in church and is preparing for baptism. He now has a friend, Anton, a teenager in a wheelchair, who also loves life very much. God takes care of the disabled through us in our city!
Thank you, brothers and sisters, for your prayers and financial support. Our ministry is growing, and we greatly need your help.
I express my immense gratitude to you, and Glory to God, for the dozens of children’s destinies in which we have taken part and witnessed God’s miracles with our own eyes. At the moment, Lera has been discharged from oncology and is going to a children’s home, where she will temporarily live with her older sister. Their mother has been deprived of parental rights, and we will take care of Lera.
A particularly needy boy, Anton, who is disabled and in a wheelchair, needs our care. We met him in a hospice, where he has a severe diagnosis, and the fact that he is still alive is a miracle. I prayed with him for healing, and God answered. The boy was discharged and now lives at home with his mother and sister. They were so inspired by his healing that they began attending our church. We take Anton to youth meetings twice a week and help them with food and medications.
A special joy is Saveliy, our young man who is preparing for baptism and actively participates in the church’s life. Many believers are inspired by his dedication, even though he is on crutches, half-starving, and with a drug-addicted mother.
I want to conclude this letter and send greetings from David. He asks to convey his gratitude for the help. He can now speak and attend a regular school because we paid for an operation on his vocal cords. Thank you for being with us!
We talked about Christmas to many people and over 500 children received gifts and participated in the celebration! At the oncology hospital, we held a puppet show and sang songs about the birth of Jesus with children and their parents, and the medical staff was also present and there were many questions and expressions of gratitude.
Now in the hospital, together with other children is Lerka Burmakova, she was transferred from St. Petersburg two months ago. Her mother was deprived of parental rights and the child may be in an orphanage, but since her health is constantly in danger, it is better for her to be in the hospital. We visit her and replace the family as much as possible. We help her study, buy things and necessary medicines.
A special surprise I received in the hospice, we came to show the Christmas performance and to give gifts, and we were greeted by all the staff of the children’s hospice – 21 people – and they set tables for us.
We listened to many warm words, then I told them my wish and spoke about the essence of Christmas, it was a good time, there were many questions, and there is a desire to gather once a month and talk about the Bible and how to understand and apply it. It is a miracle of God – I prayed for four years to organize a small group with these wonderful people. Thank you friends for your love and participation!
The will of God for us personally is to be close to children who are scared, hurt and lonely. Recently, I often see how the word of God is “a cheerful heart is good as medicine” is being fulfilled. Every time we visit children in a hospice, oncology, orphanage, children run to a meeting and it seems that their hearts rejoice. In this moment you understand that you are in the right place and God is near! I’ve often been told that serving God changes who we are, and that’s for sure.
This month we visited 4 orphanages, we went to the hospice 8 times and took care of children in especially difficult circumstances, and every week we played with our children in oncology, gave joy and gifts, sang songs about Jesus, all the children and their parents are very grateful to us, and therefore you! Several parents began to visit the house of prayer and read the Bible. We have an acute need for Apollo, a child in the hospice. We need to help him overcome his heart problems, he needs surgery, but he is very weak. Although he is getting prepared, always new obstacles appear, sudden swellings, and various allergic manifestations.
We bring him healthy food, medicine and provide spiritual and emotional support. We pray that the child survives, he is all alone, and he needs a family. Pray for us and for the children who we serve together. Thank you for your open hearts!
I speak with a lot of people in the remaining days and hours of their lives. This changes their whole worldview and makes them change priorities in life. Those who accept it live the words of Christ: “Seek before the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and it will all be added to you.” Friends thank you for your participation, we have been helping several underprivileged sick children and their parents for years, and Thank God, many have been healed and accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. We started helping Roma and Polina and supporting them spiritually and emotionally. So far there are many questions, but children already know that they are not alone. We have a special concern for children with leukemia, the hospital department received five more children which we befriended.
Lera, whom we have been helping for a long time, says hello, she’s in remission, but twice a month I take her from Artyn for examination and procedures. Her mom is a drinker, an unstable person but Lera still wants to be with the family. We are taking care of them. Lera has an older sister Anastasia, we took her to school, bought textbooks and clothes. When talking to her, she was very grateful to us and God and prayed with us. Children feel and understand everything. I personally thank you very much for your help. Without you, we could not do it all!