We have been helping families who are undergoing treatment in St. Petersburg after a bone marrow transplant. We are especially involved in the fate of Lera and her mother Masha. They had a very difficult situation, and the doctors fought for Lera’s life. Now, her recovery is going very well, and they are being prepared for discharge and may soon return to Omsk. Masha is thankful for your participation and means a lot to her. She is from an orphanage and a year ago when the news of the terrible diagnosis came, she was lost and lonely. The fact that we were near when this happened is God’s mercy for her, and she understands and appreciates this. Today Masha reads the Gospel and prays.
It is very important to me, that not only parents but also children prepare for their possible death. Considering that we have lost three of whom we took care of, there is a need to pray with each parent and help the child to accept Jesus Christ by faith.
Yesterday, Alena wrote to me, she has a son named Gleb. At the end of September, they flew to St. Petersburg for a checkup. I bought them for Tickets and helped with housing. We accompanied them to the airport and prayed together for God’s blessing.
The hospitals in the city are under lock-down and we are not
allowed to enter. But we give gifts and fill the box of courage.
We also bring food and gifts to orphanages, and
communication with children is allowed only online.
Thank you for your kindness and mercy that opens the hearts
of people to accept the truth!
I am very glad to inform you that Lera and Masha went from
St. Petersburg to Omsk after painful and long procedures. They have overcome
the crisis and will be under the supervision of our doctors, this is a small victory
to us, thank God. They are very grateful for your prayers and support.
In December, a boy, Amanzhol, whom we took care of for over 2 years was transferred to a hospice, it is the place where they send children when the doctors are powerless. Amanzhol refused to eat and I decided to go there to pray and bring him and his loved ones gifts and treat Due to quarantine it was impossible to get into this kind of place.
I went there with a psychologist from the children’s oncology department, where he was treated. During those two years, he became part of our family, and we prayed on the way there for the meeting to take place. We were met with the director of the hospice, Marina Andreevna, and I immediately said that I wanted to pray with the child and prepare him for eternity, and also give gifts.
Her answer amazed me: “I heard about you and for a long time
wanted to meet. It would be good if we would have a personal priest here”. I
knew God can do everything, but I didn’t expect that. We ended up not just
visiting Amanzhol, who died 2 days later, but every child. They have many needs
and plans, and I believe that with your support we can help them! We Thank God
for the open doors!
Despite the fact that we cannot have direct contact with
children, we found a way to take care of them. This requires more finances and we
need to be more creative. In orphanages – we help with groceries and the
purchase of educational equipment. In the children’s oncology, we were able to organize
our programs on the street, and the children watch from the windows of the
department and were moved by it. And after the program, we gave them gifts and
children’s bibles. Medical professionals testified that this is good for
children because “a cheerful heart is beneficial for their healing”.
Special thanks from Masha – Lera’s mother. Lera has a positive attitude, they have already left the ICU, and she is learning to live in around the new conditions. They have to stay in St. Petersburg and will be watched for at least 6 months. So far, everything is fine, after transplantation of the bone marrow, her body is getting stronger, and most importantly, Lera is in a good mood. And this is thanks to your prayers and donations. I know for sure that your participation will save the life of this girl and many other children.
We are trying to help four more families who went from Omsk
to St. Petersburg for a bone marrow transplant.
On behalf of our team, we thank you cordially for your help and are happy to serve the Lord together. We need help with monthly medicine, food for the children, renting an apartment, and gifts for children. Thank you for your open hearts!
We are paying special attention to Masha and her daughter Lera. On June 29th, Lera underwent a bone marrow transplant in St. Petersburg, and she is still under the serious supervision of doctors in the ICU. We remember how we were helping Wova and Misha but their bodies could not cope with the pressure. We used the time to deepen our friendship and talk about the Savior. Mothers and children themselves were ready to meet God. This is the goal of our ministry. It is not always possible to save children’s lives, but we try to give them faith.
With Lera, everything is going according to plan and it is easier for her because her body is strong. Her mother works in an orphanage that we visit, I learned this when I was driving them to the airport. It’s amazing how much God has everything under control and on time. In the village, where the orphanage is Masha asked me to take care of her eldest daughter.
The fact is that Masha spent everything, that she received from the orphanage, on drinking and smoking and her life turned to horror. She now gave up all bad habits and is taking care of Lera. Masha literally does not leave her. She began to get to know God and is open to us. Christ has his own plan for each of us! We help them survive in St. Petersburg and take care of their eldest daughter in Omsk. Masha’s family is at broken and they have no way to take care of themselves. We are in dire need of prayer and financial help. Thanks for your support!
Sometimes I wonder why I stayed in the church, and I understand that it was thanks to the people who came to me. They were sincere and good to me. I saw Jesus in them.
This is very important because our ministry is more deeds than words.
Today we have the opportunity to live our lives to show that
God exists. The ministry of mercy is a real opportunity to show the Creator and
each of us can be a partner in God’s work.
I want to say hello from Maria, the mother of Lera. They are in St. Petersburg and are waiting for a bone marrow transplant. All tests have been submitted. Lera underwent chemotherapy and it completely killed her immune system, this required a bone marrow transplant. This bone marrow transplant will give her have a chance to survive.
We helped them with renting an apartment, buying medicines
and food. The eldest daughter of Maria lives in Omsk, and we take care of her
while her mother is away.
Maria and Lera really need our help and thank you all for
taking part in their grief. Thank you for your help.
Thank you for your faithfulness in this ministry. Pray for
the health of children and our team. Pray for the medical staff we work with!
We believe that God will be glorified and will lead many to the knowledge of
the Truth!
We are having difficult times, and with self-isolation, there are benefits and disadvantages. The benefit is that people have become more sensitive and more inclined towards the Gospel.
My team and I took this opportunity and delivered food packages and medicine to families in need. Savely and his mother Ulyana are especially thankful. Thanks to you, we were able to participate and bring warmth and light into their lives!
Also, in St. Petersburg after a bone marrow transplant, there are four children from Omsk, whom we help. The head physician of the department once again said that “we are a team and without you, I cannot imagine the work of the department”. She blessed us and this is a breakthrough in the development of the ministry. Since May 1, the department has a girl Lera with her mother Maria. Lera is seven years old. She has lymphoblastic leukemia (blood cancer). She urgently needs a bone marrow transplant, and on May 23, I took them to the airport. Maria herself, Lera’s mother, had a difficult life. She was brought up in an orphanage and, although she has a husband and another child, their family lives below the poverty level. We fully clothed Lera and her Mom so that they could fly to the surgery. Doctors say that there is only a small chance for her, everything needs to be done quickly. We took them under our care, and will we help them in any way possible in Omsk and in St. Petersburg.
Please pray for Lera’s family. We will need to help them with housing, food, and purchase medicines. Thank you for your concern!