Our whole team thank you for the opportunity that you give us through your prayers and donations. Jesus says: “since you did this to one of My brothers, you did it to Me.” Children who are terminally ill listen to the Gospel and receive salvation in Christ, preparing for eternity. Their parents find the meaning of life after losing their children. And children from the orphanages get a chance for a healthy and happy future.
We have been taking care of Anastasia and Dasha for a long time now. They were in St. Petersburg for five months; they were being prepared for a transplant of the bone marrow. But due to the complication of Dasha’s condition, they refused to do the surgery. Dasha accumulates fluid in her head and all procedures were disrupted. She lost her sight by 80%. Since the doctors couldn’t do the transplantation, Anastasia and Dasha had to return to Omsk, and the doctors are still thinking about how to save her life. I want to use this opportunity to become closer friends with them and be with them during this difficult time.
Also, we cannot be indifferent to the life of Savelya. This is the boy I met at Christmas. Ulyana Savelya’s mother turned to us for help, and we helped them with clothes, food, and medicines. We bought a wheelchair for Savelya because he was born without kneecaps. We now have the opportunity to operate on the child, and I will be taking Savelya to the hospital. Brothers and sisters, we need your prayers and participation, a lot of resources are needed to go through all this. Thank you for your kind heart.
In Russia, we have the privilege of celebrating Christmas twice on the 25th of December, and on January 7th. My team and I handed out 900 gifts. We had a Christmas play for children, and we performed it seven times in different places. Children from the orphanage and the oncological hospital were touched. They willingly spoke about Jesus and about His birth, this is God’s mercy because for some this was the first time, and for some maybe the last.
I met a family of four, a mother and three sons. One of them is disabled, his name is Savely. He was born without kneecaps and cannot move independently. But he is a very kind and intelligent boy, he loves to read. When I presented him with a children’s bible, he cried joyfully and said: “I really need it now.” We helped them with Christmas groceries and are now collecting money for a wheelchair. In the chair, Savely will be mobile and less dependent on others!
Ulana’s mother said she believes in miracles; she is a unique woman. She works three jobs and takes care of her children alone. We started to be friends with them and would like to help them. Thank you for your participation.
Greetings to you brothers and sisters! The grace of God is above us, and we are among those who can help people in need. I want to send you greetings from Anastasia and her daughter Dasha. They are in difficult circumstances. Dasha was once again operated and now she is undergoing chemotherapy. There is currently no way to begin transplantation of the bone marrow. They have been in St. Petersburg for a long time and we pray that the disease will recede, her immune system will strengthen and an opportunity for transplantation will appear. Anastasia is being prepared for the procedure as a donor!
She especially needs our support. To see your daughter, who’s skull has already been opened for three times and practically loses her sight, is an unbearable test. The other day we visited them in the hospital, but we could only give them some medicines, food and personal items since they were not allowed to leave the room.
Anastasia understands that God controls everything, and greatly appreciates our participation in their fate. In addition to Dasha, two more of our children are waiting for a bone marrow transplant! Thank you for your help. Without you, we could not help these children!
We thank the Lord and you for the great opportunity to serve together for the glory of God. By His grace, we prepared the Christmas holiday for the children in Omsk. Last year, 652 children attended the play, not counting their parents. They all heard the Gospel and received gifts. These are children from poor families, people with disabilities and just unbelieving children. We are also planning a trip to Khakassia for Christmas with teenagers in the Omsk Region. In 3 villages we have Christmas plays where up to 120 children attend. The cost of one gift costs $ 8.00. Thank you for everybody who participates in this project every year!
Dear friends, I welcome you! We all prayed and participated in the fate of Sasha Starovoitova, a child whom our friends adopted at the age of 6 months. Three months later they discovered that he has cancer in both eyes. The situation was critical. Doctors said that he has no longer than one year to live, and the best that was promised was the removal of both eyes.
Eugene, his adoptive father called me and told with tears the story that Rita his wife had already lost two children. And that they will not survive this. I reassured him as best I could, and we began to pray and seek a way out. God led step by step. He answered prayers!
In Moscow, they were welcomed by a Specialist clinic. You have helped with prayers and finances. The Doctors managed to save one eye and the tumor started to shrink. Sasha is already two years old and will have an examination soon, and we pray that everything will be fine! God works miracles! Thank you, brothers and sisters!
There are people who are watching our ministry and are inspired by the mercy and their hearts are changing.
I want to convey greetings from Anastasia and Dasha, they are now in a clinic in St. Petersburg. Dasha had an operation on her head and a drainage was installed so that the fluid would come out, her condition is bad but stable at the moment. Dasha’s vision has fallen, and doctors are preparing her for a bone marrow transplant. Everything will depend on how the body copes with the load.
Her mother eagerly communicates with me, since she heard about God from me she is asking a lot of questions.
When I accompanied them to St. Petersburg we talked a lot, I gave her some financial support, and she cried and did not want to get out of the car. She says that she never has been treated that good. Brothers and sisters, these are words we live for. We also continue to care and pray for them. Thank you so much for your participation. Our ministry in Omsk continues to gain momentum and every week we visit children with leukemia and now we collect “boxes of courage” – these are toys that give children a consolation prize after painful procedures.
I am very grateful for your continues support. May God bless you!