Yes, I believe!!! This is a short but very meaningful and powerful phrase! “Yes, I believe!” – To say it in front of other witnesses is a big challenge. “Yes, I believe and have decided to follow Jesus and want people around me to know about it”. Four young people made a public confession of their faith and got baptized. It was a true celebration in our Church. Most of them were growing without having a close relationship with their parents, not knowing the love of Jesus. One of the boys said: Growing up without a father and later with a step-father I felt a lack of love. When I saw how my cousin came to Crist and how his life changed, I wanted the same. Now I have the Heavenly Father who loves me and cares for me every day. God is the only one who is the best Father and gives us a new family in Christ! Moreover, He showers His blessings and gives gifts that we would be able to serve each other. Every week our older children teach younger to play musical instruments. We are very grateful for our volunteers who came a few years ago and taught our children to play piano, guitar ukulele, and now they can pass it to the next generation. Also this year the teachers from the public school said that children and teens who go to church, are very talented and kind, they were the most helpful in the preparation graduation program this year. Glory be to God for all the things He is doing. Please continue to pray for our youth, especially those who decided to follow Jesus, that nothing will stop them and also younger children, that they would grow in their faith. Please pray for the right people to join our ministry, especially for the young couple who are planning to come in June.
Its been one year since we started a Bible study group with the elderly. As we study the Bible together, we see how relevant and practical it is for our life, doesn’t matter culture or age. They are very grateful for the time we have. “ I really like the time when we pray together, I feel the power and see how God is answering prayers” – said one of the ladies.
Thank you very much for your prayers and support, thank you for being a part of the ministry here.
People who are worshiping spirits don’t look happy, they live in constant fear to please spirits, and they put a lot of effort into this. They pass their belief to their children and grandchildren, who continue to live by the same pattern. What if, one generation would turn to Christ? They will have hope, joy, their life would be better, their families would be stronger, and their children and grandchildren will know and live for an all-powerful, loving, and wise God. Only one generation will put their trust in Jesus and teach the next generation to do the same. This is our prayer and vision: to reach, disciple, prepare for ministry one generation of faithful followers of Christ and together to reach the next generation.
Yes, it takes time, a lot of time, and effort, but the goal is worth it. We really appreciate you for being coworkers in this ministry, thank you for your prayers that mean a lot, children and youth who are here- the first generation who came to Christ, they might not have anyone else praying for them. Thank you for your financial support, that means a lot because most of our church members are children and youth, who don’t have a big income, but also do their part. Together we can reach, strengthen in faith and prepare for the ministry one generation for Christ and the next generation with them.
“I see, how God changed my life, how He cares for me,
provides for me. I want to teach younger children about God that their lives
will be changed”
“I am glad to teach younger children to play guitar
that they will join our worship team”
“This New Year we went to visit my family in another
village, when I saw little children, I really wanted to tell them about God, I
don’t know many Bible stories, so I told them the one I knew, they were so
happy to hear. I want to learn how to share about God”
“P’Gick, when will we learn from the Bible?” – was the
question of two young boys, who come so early right after school and looking
for their leader to learn. Together with other girls and boys they will have
some short activity of cooking or making any craft, read the Bible and share
what they understand. This practice is not easy for many people in this culture
where they are taught to learn and accept things, not to express their own
thinking. But the Word of God is practical for every age. When this group just
started last year, these ten to thirteen-year-old children couldn’t pray and
now everyone prays out loud. Now most of them want to play musical instruments
and join worship group. Thank God for such growth.
“I want to get baptized!” -said one of the girls during our church lunch and all her friends turned with amazement in their eyes. “Do you think you are perfect in your faith?” – asked one of the girls, “No, I am still growing and learning but I want to make a decision to follow Christ”
All these children and youth come from strong Buddhist and animist families, please pray for them, that they would grow in their faith. The next few months would be a season for camps. We are planning to have three camps for Christian and non-Christian youth and children this year. Please pray for every participant and leader. Also, one young lady and one family would like to join our ministry this year, please pray that the doors will be opened, and all the documentation process will go smoothly.
“I want my life to be changed completely, I want to follow Jesus and get baptized”- said a young lady, who comes from a very strict Buddhist family. A few months ago, she started to come to our church by driving on a bicycle a long distance. She was having a strong desire to be with Christians. I wrote about her before, thank you for keeping her in prayer.
As Noon shared her story, we learned that when she was in the first grade, that this was the first time when she met a Christian, who became her friend. From that time, she saw that Christians are different people and she liked it. Now attending high school, God sent her another Christian man in her class, who shared the Gospel with her and other friends and invited her to church. When Noon came to Church she asked for a Bible, she likes to learn about God and wants to know more and more. One day she asked if she can help in Sunday school because she wants to hear more Bible stories. “I want to change my life; I want to be Christian! I see that Christians are very special people, I feel accepted and loved, I want to be Christian so that other people around me feel the same way!” When we shared the Gospel and as soon as she prayed and accepted Jesus, she wanted to share the gospel with her friends and family. Now Noon and two other young men are expressed their desire to be baptized and show family and friends their decision to follow Jesus. We are very thankful for your prayers and God’s work in the hearts of young people. None of the family members support Noon in her decision. But we pray that God will open their hearts for the Gospel. One Saturday, Noon wrote that her grandparents don’t let her go to church on that Sunday. We prayed and asked God what we can do in this situation. Next week we visited Noon and her grandparents, with whom she lives. We didn’t know what to expect, will they accept us, or will be angry. God answered, they were not just glad to meet us and we’re very kind that invited us again for a dinner with all extended family.
Even though they are not supporting Noon to change their religion and be Christian, but they are not against her going to Church, even to be in one of our worship groups. she loves to play musical instruments and sing for God. Please keep Noon and her family in your prayers that her kind grandparents would believe and come to Christ!
We really believe in the power of prayer
and experienced many answered prayers! Thank you for being a part of this
ministry. May God richly bless every one of you.
Dear Church, thank you very much for your
participation by prayer and financially. By God’s grace, we had an opportunity
to make a youth camp with a mission in the South of Thailand. It was a blessing
for our youth, from two of our “Avoda” projects, to have a fellowship and serve
together through children camp and mercy ministry, helping local people in the
South. The church where we had our camp, doesn’t have children ministry
because there is no one who can lead it. We expected not a big number of
children to come, especially because it’s a Muslim area. The first day was
beyond our expectations because God brought more than 50 children and young
people, some came with their Muslim parents, two of them continued to come for the
next few days. Children were happy to participate in all the camp activities
and learn together how we can see God through creation, listen to Him, and talk
to Him. When we asked at the end who has ever been in a camp like this, and who
has ever heard about God and Jesus before, guess how many hands were up? Only
one. One boy, out of 56 children and teens said that he heard about God before.
What about the other 55 children, what about their families?
We realized, that God brought us to the right place, these
people need Jesus! Now we have a burden to pray for God to send the right
people to serve there and might be for us to visit that place more often.
Besides kids camp, we had an opportunity to serve the elderly in this church.
Most of them came to Christ after the tsunami that happened here many years
ago, some don’t have any family members who would take care of them. Thank God,
we could give some food packages to families, share about God’s love and help
some in repairing some houses. Some of our youth members also come from needy
families, but it was so nice to see them giving caring for others. When we were
leaving, we didn’t promise, but we said we hope to come again at least next
year. They are waiting. Please pray for us to do this and also for the faithful
people to come and serve there.
Our God is great! We have very good news: The new generation is not interested in drugs anymore, because most of the young people go to church!
The area where our church is located is called the “Golden Triangle”, and famous for its opium-growing past. Almost every family is affected by drugs, whether selling, using, or having someone in prison for this cause. Recently one of the families was reunited with their father after 11 years of being in prison. But the good news is: in this particular village, the new generation is not that interested in drugs anymore, because most of them go to Church! Yes, you heard this right: Most young people in our village go to church. Praise God for such a big change! A few years ago our church had only girls and ladies, and a few small boys. If you visit us now on Sunday you will see that more than half of the congregation is now boys and young men. Some are very interested in learning about God, some come with their friends, some even helping in leading worship time on Sunday’s. One of our Sunday school groups is only boys! Praise God! It’s a big field to raise these young people for God’s kingdom, who will faithfully serve Him and do His will. We can witness God’s great work and answer the prayers of many. Please continue to pray for God to lead us and give us wisdom.
Another blessing is that God brings people from different tribes. One Saturday, when we had a school at our church, one lady came and asked us to pray for her. She was willing to stay the whole time, till we finished with the children. Her request was about her health. As we talked, she said that long ago her family was Christian and then because of social pressure in the village, they turned to worship spirits. But now they decided to come back to God and leave the village where they lived. We prayed with her and invited her for Sunday Service, and she accepted an invitation. On the next day more than 10 people, that are close to her and her extended family, came to church! Some of them continue coming, we pray that God would give them courage and strength to stay strong in faith.
Thank you again for your faithful support and prayers, may God richly bless every one of you!
Ps.22:27 “All the ends of the earth will remember and
turn to the Lord,”
Dear Church, thank you very much for your faithfulness
in your prayers and support. We are glad to see God’s work here.
It was Sunday morning when we saw a new face at our church. We noticed her interest in reading the Bible and participating in worship with all her heart. She introduced herself and said that she was very happy to be here. As we learned later, Ching* comes from a Buddhist family. She heard about God from her friend and was very interested to learn more, now, when she started high school, one of her classmates was a Christian who invited her to come to church. Ching rode her bicycle for a few kilometers on hot days to get to church. One day we were taking her home after evening Bible study and she asked: What does it mean to be a real Christian? I want to be a Christian! What do I need to do? We had a good talk before we arrived at her home. She asked us to stop next to one of the houses, where she secured the bicycle and happily went home. The bicycle she was using was not hers, she borrowed it. Ching continues coming to church and Bible study. Today she asked if she could have a Bible and read it at home. She is happy to come and help with children in Sunday school. Ching wants to learn more about who God is and she hopes by helping to teach children she would learn more. It’s only God who works in the hearts of people, changing them from the inside. We also thank God for another lady, who comes with her son. She said that she learned about God before and for some reason, was not going to church for a long time. She brings her son to Saturday school and comes together on Sunday. She wants her son to know God and glad to spend time with Christians and pray together.
Praise God we started a new school year, every Saturday more than 40 children come to learn English and the Bible. We are very grateful for our local helpers who are helping in teaching and growing in service for God! We would like to tell you that every
15 $ – would be spent for a small daily snack for
30$ – for small monthly prizes for children
30$ – to equip teachers and helpers monthly
We appreciate
any amount of your investment! We can surely say: God provides!
Thank you
very much for being co-workers in God’s work. May God richly bless you and give
you strength and wisdom!