Many thanks for your prayers. Three of our girls were able to undergo the CEF training which was held in Bangkok. I was a blessing for them to see other Christians and the warm relationships between them. The training process was not easy but with Gods help, they were able to complete it. God sent good people with them on the way and they were also to see the sea (Gulf of Thailand) for the first time in their life. They are very grateful to everybody who supported them with prayers and financially. Please keep praying for Gikik, Ing, and Ping so that they can use all their acquired knowledge in the ministry.
We are thankful for our church, which provided finances to purchase clothes for our girls. With tears in her eyes, the seven-year-old said: ”Thank you, I never owned a dress in my life.” This seems so insignificant but for them it is very important.

Our children’s choir participated for the first time in our worship service, and two girls were playing the piano. Praise God for sending us people who can teach our children.
Recently we had a special evening in our church. We remembered how God built relationship with people. The way God was interacting with biblical heroes in the past is how he wants to communicate with us. We studied the scripture, prayed, sang and ate together. One of the girls said: ”I hope to see my friends and family in heaven.”
All of our children are from Non-Christian families. They pray for their parents but don’t see any fruits of it. Last week we listened to the testimony of Ploy, and how God answered her prayers. When she came to Christ she prayed for her parents for many years, and waited daily for an answer. Seven years later they turned their life’s over to Christ and her father is the founder of our church.
We are very happy to have a stove in our church. Here our children learn how to bake and enjoy the sweet they created. There is no recipe that they can ruin, they eat everything they cook with joy.
They are already planning to share their baking creations with families in need. They also plan to bake for church events, sick in local hospitals, which we regularly visit on Sundays, and of course for orphans around us. We want our children to understand that they receive blessings by giving. Thank God.
Ministry in Thailand – San and Anita