Last month was very active for us, thank you very much for your prayers, encouraging emails and messages; they were always at the right time. It is great to see how God sends His help and encouragement through His people!

We had a very blessed time during our outreach program. It was a snow party! Right here in Thailand, even though only a few people saw snow in real life, they were happy to learn more about it. Some of the main verses were: ”Wash me and I will be whiter than snow. He directs snow to fall on the Earth…” and God’s word doesn’t return empty. We had a special prayer at the end, and we asked God for His blessings for this New Year. More than 100 people came to this event. Children with their parents were able to hear the Gospel, learn it during games and some of them even memorized Bible verses.

One evening we shared that Jesus loves little children, He listens and answers their prayers too. As soon as children were asked to share their stories, one hand was raised first. It was an eight-year-old boy, who lost his father last year and has since been living with his mom. His voice was not that strong and it seemed like it was very important for him what he wanted to say. ”The other day my mom didn’t have money, and I prayed to God to send us some. Next day someone gave my mom 200thb ($7). God has answered my prayer!” Another little girl said: “It was a rainy day and my mom was driving a motorcycle, I prayed that my mom would not get sick, and everything was well with her.” God is great indeed!

God not only answers the children’s prayers, but He also gives good things even before we ask. On the yard sale, we found one pair of roller blades for our children. You cannot imagine how happy they were when we brought them: “Wow, God gave us not only roller blades, but also the right size, almost all of us can wear it!” Yes, more than 20 people are enjoying it every day. Another girl said, “I really wanted roller blades for my birthday, and didn’t think it’s possible to have it” God is showing His kindness even through little things like these.
Please pray for:
- Wisdom in sharing the Gospel in the hospital with sick people. Some are from other tribes and there is no chance to communicate with them, except praying for them.
- Spiritual growth of our children and teens, their non-christian families.
May God richly bless every one of you!
Ministry in Thailand – San, and Anita