He and his sister were brought to some new building with lots of children and adults. And no one understood them. “I’m the eldest, I should find out why we’re here!? Everyone approached us, hugged us, smiled. But I wanted to cry, I wanted to go home…” These thoughts, probably, visited Oleg, who came to us.
“Moo, yes, I, uh…” These were the words we heard from Oleg and his younger sister Sonya (3 and 4 years old) when they arrived at the “Children’s Ark.” Their speech was practically absent, and we couldn’t understand them. With time, we began to guess what they were trying to communicate, thanks to their expressive gestures!
“Moo” was the first word that Oleg learned to say. And when people told him, “We don’t understand what you want?” He would earnestly and as loudly as possible say, “MOO, MOO!”

When new children arrive, most of the time they come with a whole bunch of problems. We started speech therapy sessions and visits to doctors. But not only that, the children also participate in developmental activities in the art studio and creative workshops for woodworking and metalworking. The caregivers also invest a lot of effort and heart into the children’s development.
Now, looking at the results (maybe not noticeable to outsiders), you realize the “leap” that Oleg has made. And, of course, this is not the end; we continue to fully develop the child. This is not just the result of our staff’s work but also thanks to your support. Since we are not a state shelter, the staff’s salaries come from donations. Your help is an invaluable contribution to our work! Thank you!
Ministry in the Children’s Ark – Jack Kerbs