The church was planted 7 years ago. When we started the Lord showed us that we need to serve children from disadvantaged families by organizing games on playgrounds. We met children and developed close relationships with the youth playing in our community. Seeing their desire for Christ we organized get-togethers which later evolved into our Children’s Christian Club “Joy”.
Now between 12 – 20 children are visiting us on regular base. Their ages vary between 5 – 12 years.
Our meetings are held on Saturdays. The purpose of it is to show them the love of God and take care of them in a way they don’t experience at home. We are teaching them in a playful way the biblical truth. They also learn to be creative and do things on their own.

We end the meetings with a small snack, a sandwich with tea and sweets. Our plan was to create full dinners for them but as long as we don’t have the place to cook hot meals and also lack financial stability we won’t be able to do it.
Once in a while we also organize trips to various places like museums, theatres, parks, and also factory visits.
We organize it with the goal in mind to educate the children about culture and want to help them to create relationships with each other.
Please pray that we can grow this ministry and that the Gospel would influence the life’s of this young generation and their relatives and friends as well.

We are ready to fulfill the plan God has for us, but we are very limited financially. Our dream is to purchase equipment, so we could organize various sports events for children. During specific holidays we expect to build new relationships with children but also their parents. Therefore, we ask for help, if you would be willing to participate in this ministry financially. Your help is important for us and for those children to whom we can bring the Gospel.
Our plans are to spend more time in the open air. For those activities, we need to purchase a trampoline, balls (Soccer and Volleyball) and sound equipment (mixing console, amplifier, microphones, and speakers.) The cost for all of it is around $1250.
We believe that God will provide everything necessary for us to organize those nights.
Ministry in Omsk – “Word of Truth” Church