At Christmas, we visited 13 families of our friends. We gave gifts to children and groceries to each family. In every house, we were greeted with a festive table. We talked about the story of Jesus or Isa, as the Ingush call Jesus. It is amazing that the story of Jesus is received very well, they listen with pleasure about His birth and life. Our family had a great opportunity to bless every family.
We played games and had contests with the children, rejoiced together and gave the children sweets and books, and gave parents small souvenirs in honor of the Christmas holiday. Each family was also presented with calendars that contained words from the Holy Scriptures and a translated book of the Proverbs of Solomon in the Ingush language.
After the planned conversations with families and children, we made two trips to boarding schools where children with disabilities live. Thank God for the opportunity, time and finances for this ministry. In the boarding schools, we talked with the management and to some of the children, which ended up being 70 people. We organized sports games with teenagers and presented gifts. They are waiting for us in boarding schools again and are opening the doors! Every family is waiting for us too – this is a blessing! We ask you to pray for the people of Ingushetia and for peace in their hearts.
Thank you for being with us!
Ministry in Ingushetia – Maxim Volkov