Greetings to you my brothers and sisters, I wish everybody a Merry Christmas. This is a very important event every year that we celebrate. We experience Gods mercy and we understand what we can’t be silent about it and so we go to show people that Jesus is alive. I would like to share the blessings that we have experienced as a team and would like to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts from all the children who we received Christmas gifts from you. On Christmas, we visited several hospitals that have children suffering from blood cancer. Very often they don’t win the fight`1 against it. We wanted to bring the holiday and the hope to be with our great God in the future. When we read the Gospel, we see how Jesus taught his disciples to show mercy and compassion, that’s is the reason why we can’t be silent about it. Around seventy children heard about the love of God and received gifts.

The parents and the hospital staff were thankful to everybody who was involved. Children are waiting for us and this changes our hearts and hopefully yours as well. Thank you for participating in our needs and we will be thankful for any help. Please pray for us, because God opens the doors to the children’s homes and nursing homes. Glory be to Him.
Ministry in Omsk – Alexander Melnikov