Good news, dear brothers and sisters in Christ!
Thank you very much for your participation in God’s work in Thailand! We are very grateful to God for the opportunities to see how the good news of Him changes many hearts and brings joy and hope to the hopeless. When God opened for us a door to teach English in public school, we asked the principal to give us one hour for Bible class with children to who we teach English. The principal and teachers agree. When our team came to teach, expected to see 20 – 40 students for Bible class, they were shocked; there were a little bit more than 200 students with their teachers! All of them were ready to listen. God multiplied it 10 times!

Every week more than 200 people can now, not only learn English for life but also hear the good news through Bible stories! After every lesson middle and high school children come and tell ” Thank you very much for coming to our school, thank you for telling stories about God; I really like these stories” All these happenings are only in one school! God opened the door in another school, where more than 80 children with their teachers have the same opportunity! Praise God for the freedom in this country and for the people who He sent us to help in this ministry.

Not only are young people in desperate need of the good news, but these elderly ladies are also glad to experience God’s love through our sisters in Christ who go to visit their house by house. Please pray with us for all these people who hear the Gospel, and the team who is sharing.
May God bless you
Ministry in Thailand (Avoda) – San and Anita.