Peace be with you friends, brothers and sisters! Thanks be to the Lord for having the opportunity to work with you here in Vietnam. We also thank Him for the fact that we can celebrate Easter twice this year. Although Vietnam (Southeast Asia) is in the east, they still celebrate according to the western calendar. We and our group prayed and decided that we would give presents to our close circle with whom we constantly have contact and make friends. These are neighbors, hairdressers, vendors, a bike washer, a bike mechanic, a cook, and many others. We counted around 50 people altogether.

On April 21st, we got up at 5 am, prayed, and at 6 am were already at a meeting in the Vietnamese church. We put the gifts in a motorcycle started to hand them out. The greetings were warm and friendly. We said in Vietnamese “Christ has Risen” and everyone happily accepted our gifts, it seemed as if they were believers.
The Vietnamese are in very tolerant people by welcoming any beliefs, as long as there is peace. We see the principle of God: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” By giving, we accept God’s power, His love, His perfection … May God bless us all.
Ministry in Vietnam – Alexander Kulpin