“I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.” 1 Corinthians 6:3
This verse was a reminder and an encouragement for brothers and sisters in Christ who are ministering to people in this area of Thailand. Together with our team of volunteers we were able to organize a one-day seminar and invite local ministers, pastors, missionaries and youth leaders from different churches and ministries. Most of them serve God in their area and don’t have an opportunity to meet with each other. That’s why God has put on our hearts to prepare an event with the purpose to Encourage, Equip and Challenge.
We chose these relevant topics:
1.Ministry to hurting kids, how trauma impacts the kids we love and what to do about it
2. Using technology and the digital world in ministry
3. Success in ministry. How can you measure your success, what does the Bible say about it.
4. Using art, craft, drama, music in children’s ministry to strengthen their faith. It was truly an encouragement for everyone who came. We had time to learn and exchange ideas for the ministry and also time for fellowship and sharing meal together.
“I would like to say thank you for inviting me to the seminar. It was a big encouragement for me” – shared our sister in Christ who is taking care of the children ‘s house.

We are very grateful to God for sending us the whole team who put their hearts and time in making this event happen. It was truly a blessing and a big support in the ministry. Please pray for our youth camp that we are planning to have together with other churches in our area and for the right people who can help.
Thank you very much for your faithful prayers and support, may God richly bless everyone of you!
Ministry in Thailand (Avoda) – San and Anita