An old father and his son from Mariupol (on the right in the photo) got to Rivne. A year before the war, the son began to create an emergency suitcase: freeze-dried food, blankets, a rope, a portable burner and other things useful for survival. That is why at every checkpoint they were stopped and confused with a saboteur, they took him for interrogations, and searched him. Some time later, both of them were put into a bus that drives people to Russia, to filtration camps. On the way, they both decided to escape at any cost.

The car arrived at the place of collection and registration, where there were so many people that no one noticed how they moved away and moved across the fields towards Zaporozhye. It wasn’t easy. From time to time, civilians who they met showed them sympathy: they fed them and let them stay overnight.
They also, even though completely unfamiliar people for them, decided to help them and give them a ride as close as possible to the town. They stumbled upon an evacuation notice in the city of Rivne, and immediately found the man who had posted it. They had only two seats left. The grandfather notes that on the way they were often fed, carried in warmth, and constantly taken care of. He was left with the feeling that this bus was just the two of them all the time. Our volunteer brother said that it was God who throughout this story showed His care for them. This brought the father to tears.
Thank you for participating in the evacuation and helping those in need!
Ministry in Ukraine – Mission “Hope to People”