The ministry of the first five evangelists began in September 2017. They traveled 60 miles to the Olosaruni region in southern Kenya. Without the motorcycles that they received thanks to all the supporters, this wouldn’t be possible. In Olosaruni they spent 7 days, living in tents and preaching the gospel to the local people.
Neighboring villages were reached by foot and the Word of God was preached everywhere. Whenever they met people on the street they testified about God to them and they walked from house to house, talking with families about the Gospel.
Our brothers in Christ are very thankful for the motorcycles that help not only to evangelize, but they are also able to earn money by using it as a taxi and transport people to the market in the city.
In some villages, not many have the possibility to drive. Some food products are sold only on the market in the cities. As of right now the evangelists visited more than 30 villages in the Olosaruni area and opened a new church called “Enkoro Empuan Church”.

One local resident in the area, named Mulata, donated 2 acres of land designated to the church for free to use. We plan to build a canopy with a roof so that the Sunday service can take place in any weather. Currently, we have 17 members worshipping God and we are sending out teams from other churches to support our brothers and sisters with the development of the church ministry.
Thank you very much to everyone for the prayers and participation in spreading the Gospel among the Masaai tribe.
Ministry in Kenya – Peter Olonapa