We have witnessed an amazing transformation. A woman who was once strongly opposed to Christians, even demanding back everything she had ever given to those who became Christians, has started attending our Bible study. Remarkably, she and her husband have decided to follow Jesus and have stopped worshiping spirits.

We now hold Bible study sessions at their home, where they are eagerly learning how to pray and study the Word of God together. This is a significant change and a serious decision for them, especially since many of their family members are not yet followers of Christ.

Please join us in praying for this couple and for a few other families who are open to learning more about Jesus—some have even started coming to church! We are also thankful to God for the elderly couple who have joined us in serving. They have been a tremendous blessing, especially in reaching out to the elderly in our community.

1,000 Reasons to Be Thankful

As I wrote before, there has been a war in our neighboring country for many years. Last week, we had the opportunity to visit refugee children in schools and camps. Most of these children have lost their parents and the places they once called “home.” Now, they live in huts, tents, or even under the open sky, holding onto hope for a better future.

One of the places we visited shelters 500 children who are clinging to God for their daily food. Most of these children are aged three and up, with only a few adults to care for them. Despite the extreme heat, lack of fans, and visible hunger and fatigue, the children were singing:

“Give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks to the Holy One, give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son!…”

In moments like these, it’s hard to find any words to say, except to join them in prayer to our Heavenly Father, asking Him to provide for their needs, and reminding myself of 1,000, and even more, reasons I can be thankful to God!

With God’s help and the support of Christians like you, Avoda was able to send food aid to these children. Ladies from our church baked 600 cookies to bring some joy to them. God is good!

We are deeply grateful for your financial support, which helped us send cookies to these children. We invite you to be part of this important work in Thailand:

1. Pray: Ask God to send more partners to provide food aid for children in desperate need.

2. Participate: Join a team to run children’s programs in the refugee camps, share the Gospel, and bring joy and hope.

3. Donate: Contribute to providing nutritious cookies for the children, and witness the joy it brings them.

4. Spread the Word: Tell others about this ministry and how they can be part of it.

We are preparing, by God’s grace, to visit again in August. Please pray for the right people to join our team!

We are very grateful for you. May God richly bless each of you, provide for all your needs, and remind you of the 1,000 reasons you can be thankful!

Ministry in Thailand (Avoda) – San and Anita