“I want my life to be changed completely, I want to follow Jesus and get baptized”- said a young lady, who comes from a very strict Buddhist family. A few months ago, she started to come to our church by driving on a bicycle a long distance. She was having a strong desire to be with Christians. I wrote about her before, thank you for keeping her in prayer.

As Noon shared her story, we learned that when she was in the first grade, that this was the first time when she met a Christian, who became her friend. From that time, she saw that Christians are different people and she liked it. Now attending high school, God sent her another Christian man in her class, who shared the Gospel with her and other friends and invited her to church. When Noon came to Church she asked for a Bible, she likes to learn about God and wants to know more and more. One day she asked if she can help in Sunday school because she wants to hear more Bible stories. “I want to change my life; I want to be Christian! I see that Christians are very special people, I feel accepted and loved, I want to be Christian so that other people around me feel the same way!” When we shared the Gospel and as soon as she prayed and accepted Jesus, she wanted to share the gospel with her friends and family. Now Noon and two other young men are expressed their desire to be baptized and show family and friends their decision to follow Jesus. We are very thankful for your prayers and God’s work in the hearts of young people. None of the family members support Noon in her decision. But we pray that God will open their hearts for the Gospel. One Saturday, Noon wrote that her grandparents don’t let her go to church on that Sunday. We prayed and asked God what we can do in this situation. Next week we visited Noon and her grandparents, with whom she lives. We didn’t know what to expect, will they accept us, or will be angry. God answered, they were not just glad to meet us and we’re very kind that invited us again for a dinner with all extended family.
Even though they are not supporting Noon to change their religion and be Christian, but they are not against her going to Church, even to be in one of our worship groups. she loves to play musical instruments and sing for God. Please keep Noon and her family in your prayers that her kind grandparents would believe and come to Christ!
We really believe in the power of prayer and experienced many answered prayers! Thank you for being a part of this ministry. May God richly bless every one of you.
San and Anita – Avoda ministry in Thailand