Ps.22:27 “All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord,”
Dear Church, thank you very much for your faithfulness in your prayers and support. We are glad to see God’s work here.
It was Sunday morning when we saw a new face at our church. We noticed her interest in reading the Bible and participating in worship with all her heart. She introduced herself and said that she was very happy to be here. As we learned later, Ching* comes from a Buddhist family. She heard about God from her friend and was very interested to learn more, now, when she started high school, one of her classmates was a Christian who invited her to come to church. Ching rode her bicycle for a few kilometers on hot days to get to church. One day we were taking her home after evening Bible study and she asked: What does it mean to be a real Christian? I want to be a Christian! What do I need to do? We had a good talk before we arrived at her home. She asked us to stop next to one of the houses, where she secured the bicycle and happily went home. The bicycle she was using was not hers, she borrowed it. Ching continues coming to church and Bible study. Today she asked if she could have a Bible and read it at home. She is happy to come and help with children in Sunday school. Ching wants to learn more about who God is and she hopes by helping to teach children she would learn more. It’s only God who works in the hearts of people, changing them from the inside. We also thank God for another lady, who comes with her son. She said that she learned about God before and for some reason, was not going to church for a long time. She brings her son to Saturday school and comes together on Sunday. She wants her son to know God and glad to spend time with Christians and pray together.

Praise God we started a new school year, every Saturday more than 40 children come to learn English and the Bible. We are very grateful for our local helpers who are helping in teaching and growing in service for God! We would like to tell you that every
15 $ – would be spent for a small daily snack for children
30$ – for small monthly prizes for children
30$ – to equip teachers and helpers monthly
We appreciate any amount of your investment! We can surely say: God provides!
Thank you very much for being co-workers in God’s work. May God richly bless you and give you strength and wisdom!
San and Anita – Avoda, Thailand.