We thank the Lord for His protection during the two-week trip to Indonesia! And although the last days were overshadowed by bouts of malaria, nevertheless, Eugene and his team were able to preach the Gospel in many schools, prisons, and simply on the street.
People in Indonesia are very open to the Gospel – dozens of repentant souls and many new contacts that have given us a platform to further develop our ministry in the West Papua province. The Lord has put it on our hearts to organize a church there, and there are already two pastor families from our central church who are ready to lay their lives on the altar and carry the light of the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Please pray for David and his wife Evelyn, as well as Pastor Paul’s family (his wife Anna and four children), who are preparing to move to Indonesia. Also, please consider the possibility of regular monthly support for these families so they can work for the Lord full-time.

Being married to a missionary, when he, sick with malaria, fearlessly preaches the Gospel somewhere in a foreign country – and you’re at home, knitting a blanket, baking a banana pie for the children, biting your nails and in prayer remembering all the Scriptures that talk about protection and safety. Some may shake their head or twirl their finger at their temple – we signed our death warrant when we answered “HERE I AM” to the Lord’s eternal question, “WHO WILL GO”?
Ministry in Indonesia – Eugene & Irina Konstantiniki