The struggle for survival is ubiquitous in Africa. Depending on the regions, people differ greatly: they can be friendly and good-natured, but in some places, they are very fierce and aggressive, and it is not safe to walk without guards. A significant part of the tribe’s worship pagan gods and follow traditional African religions.
The Lord continues to open doors for us when preaching the Good News in Tanzania and Congo. Evangelistic services were held in stadiums where tens of thousands of people gathered to listen to the Gospel. When the name of Jesus Christ was proclaimed, some adults, as well as teenagers, fell to the ground cramping: it was obvious that dark spirits were controlling them. Observing these phenomena, we understand how God needs dedicated men, who in the name of the Lord would forbid and drive out the enemy forces was heard; and thousands of people responded to the invitation to be reconciled with God.

When I was flying over Africa, I teared up and had to repent. “Lord, forgive me that I do not notice Your blessings, which You have given me, and that I thank you so little.” I realized then, “the more you thank the Lord, the more you realize God’s blessing.” I had to exclaim in the midst of the sleeping passengers: “Lord, what a rich and happy man I am!”
Friends, thank you for your participation in preaching the Gospel to the ends of the earth!
Ministry in Tanzania – Sergey Kirnev