The trip to the peninsula was planned to share the Gospel and help the elderly and disabled with their household needs (shovel snow, stock up or chop firewood, change wiring in the house or fix sockets)! We announced it in advance in social networks and people in need called us, inviting us to their home, telling us about their needs! We set off from Palana and, having traveled 200 km to Tigil, we stopped for the night.

There were several “orders” here. A man with a disability needed to shovel snow and an elderly woman needed to change several sockets. While the younger brothers carried out the necessary work, others talked to people. The next destination on our route was the village of Sedanka. The road from Tigil to Sedanka is 45 km (28miles) was along a winter road. In Sedanka, a grandmother with an invalid son needed to go for firewood, saw and chop it, and also change the wiring in the house. In one family, a woman lived with her 91-year-old mother. Very hospitable people. They talk like believers. The old woman’s mother raised them as children with stories from the Bible. We stayed overnight here and talked for a long time at the table, talking about God! The elderly woman said: “You are different, I can share my secrets with you.” She opened up and repented, asking for mercy from the Lord. Thank you dear ones for supporting the ministry in Kamchatka!
Ministry in Kamchatka – G. Mozaitzev