On May 10th, 2000 our plane landed in the village of Palana, Kamchatsky. We got off the plane, but no one was meeting us. It was cold and snowy. The Lord alone knows what happened in our hearts. He was with us. He blessed the birth of our fifth child. On July 14th, our beautiful daughter was born. Truly, our God is Wonderful, although there were many difficulties, we had to sleep dressed since it was cold. When drunk people came, with knives, the Lord was with us and showed His wonderful love and care. Today in Palana there is a Church, a house of prayer, a small choir, orchestra. We try to bring the Gospel to the poor and unfortunate souls that do not know and have not tasted the love of the Good Shepherd Jesus Christ. We thought we were going for two years as we were offered, but now it’s over 10 years we still do the ministry on the edge of the earth. And with complete confidence, we can say: “Up to this point the Lord helped us.” The life lived for Christ, is a beautiful life.

And the beauty of this life is contained in that it intertwines and joy, and sorrow, and tears, and laughter. And the greatest happiness is that we are witnessing when the unfortunate sinner is reconciled with God’s blessing. I sincerely want to thank you all for participating in Gospel with us.
Ministry in Kamchatka – Gennady Mozhaytsev