Samuel Santam is 6 years old. He lives with his mother, three sisters, and four brothers. He has no father, who died when his mother was four months pregnant. They all live with their grandmother. She is in old age, sick and very weak. A year ago, she broke her leg and became even more dependent on others.

Samuel’s mother usually goes to the nearest town to sell tea and chapatis (fried cakes) on the market. With the proceeds, she buys food and other necessities for her children. Samuel started coming to my school because his mother has no money to send him to a public school. When the boy received his first shoes donated by you, he was so happy. He also received a school uniform as a gift. There was no end to his joy because he had never received anything like it. Some children, unlike Samuel, are from wealthier families. Their parents are able to pay for their lunch, school fees, and benefits.

After the opening of the school, only a part of the children came to class. A week later, I saw all my students. We are allowed to work from 5 AM to 6 PM since we are not indoors. According to the terms of the quarantine, we are prohibited from going outside at night. I am glad that the children are happy to be in school again. Thank you so much for the support of our children. May God bless and reward you!
Ministry in Kenya – Mercy Ndikoita