Around the world, there is panic. People are in fear, and not only unbelievers. The panic is among Christians too. This leads people to “go underground”, wait and sit it out. They fill their bins, refrigerators, and wait. And around them is chaos. People are sick, physically, and spiritually. How can one not get infected?
And then I remember the words of Christ: I came to the sick, and not to the healthy. To people who live in need. Our Church decided to follow the example of Christ. Equipped with protective outfits, we purchased food and went to families with one or more disabled children. These people are limited in normal times, and it’s so much harder for them during self-isolation.

You should have seen how much joy was in the eyes of mothers, some even were in tears. Not so much from the gifts but from the simple attention.
Here is what some of them said: “Thank you for taking care of us, you are people with such a good heart” “We have no words, I’m tearing up, so nice of you to bring us so much.”
We pray that the love of Christ that we are showing them will change their hearts for the gospel.
Ministry in Krasnodar – Anatoly Nikonov