At the end of November, 75 drones attacked the capital of Ukraine. We need prayers every day. Your prayers are a shield that protects us. We have also started building a bomb shelter in the church building. It’s a difficult but very necessary task. We also need prayers and support for the implementation of the security project for our shelter. Thank you for being with us! Short news from our ministry. Winter has come. That’s why our shelter is overcrowded with people. It’s chaos again. But we have electricity, heat, food. And most importantly – the opportunity to preach to these people. Please pray that we can convey words of love and truth. We are actively distributing clothes.

We rent a small warehouse near the church building and every day we invite refugees to hand over necessary clothing. My wife is working on this project. I ask you to pray for God to give her strength and wisdom in this ministry. Every week, young people from our church collect food and go to the hospital to help soldiers wounded in the war. These people have lost all hope, they are traumatized by war, their bodies are mutilated. They feel like they are no longer needed by anyone! Pray that we can show them the love of Jesus. Thank you for your prayers! Thank you for your love and help warm us this cold winter!
Ministry in Lviv – Elisha Pronin.