Lebanon is located in the center of the Middle East. It borders Syria to the north and Israel to the south. There are still no economic or diplomatic relations between Israel and Lebanon. Since Biblical times, caravans of traders have stretched from south to north through Lebanon, reaching Galatia (modern Turkey). The main transport and trade routes from Egypt passed through Israel and Lebanon!

To reach the people of Lebanon with the Gospel, work continues among Syrians, Lebanese, and Palestinians. Evangelization is conducted among children and youth, in the form of children’s camps. Here, children are introduced to the truths of the Gospel for the first time! We thank God that parents let their children go to Christian camps! Many of them, tired of war and life in camps, are looking for a way out! Syrians, who fled the war, have been living in camps in Lebanon for over 10 years now! Their country is destroyed and they have no future in Lebanon either! Pray for an awakening in this nation! Events are also held among the adult population through musical projects. The Lord has opened doors for preaching in this country, and we are in great need of your support and prayers. Pray that the Lord will touch the hearts of those who listen in the upcoming services, granting repentance. May the Lord bless you.
Ministry in Lebanon – Sergey Kirnev