One day, I met a woman who shared her difficulties and struggles in family life. She agreed to participate in a prayer marathon for one month, where we would call and pray together every evening. After just a few days, she shared a testimony that changes had begun in her family. I believe these changes were the beginning of significant transformations in her life. But most importantly, she learned to find her comfort in Jesus rather than in antidepressants. She told me that since we started praying, she no longer needed the medications and had thrown them away.

Now, in moments of anxiety or distress, she prays and finds her peace in Jesus. The Lord grants her true renewal. This liberation has become her personal testimony of how the Lord actively works in life. After learning what Jesus did for us on Golgotha, she accepted Christ into her heart. Previously, I had seen many statuettes of various gods in her apartment. But on the day she accepted Jesus, she took a trash bag, gathered all the idols herself, and threw them out of the house. We prayed together that only the Holy Spirit would now live in her home.
I believe that the Word of God will act like a “double-edged sword” in people’s hearts and change their lives.
Ministry in Lebanon – K. G.